Spend a morning filled with wonder and laughter during an entertaining magic show performed by The Great Zucchini! This popular children’s entertainer is bringing his fun and energetic show to Frying Pan Farm Park on Thursday, Sept. 5.
This interactive magic show is perfect for children as The Great Zucchini incorporates many hands-on elements in his performances. Watch your kids yell, “Wake up, Zucchini!” with enthusiasm as he pretends to fall asleep or call after Ruffles, Zucchini’s trusty puppet rabbit, as he pops in and out of Zucchini’s hat. Coupled with his comedic routine, The Great Zucchini is a must-see show this fall.
With many tricks up his sleeve, The Great Zucchini carries over 25 years of experience bringing magic, comedy and excitement to families in the area. His family-friendly shows leave audiences in complete awe as he conducts magic that makes the crowds wonder, “How does he do it?”
There will be two performances starting at 10 a.m. and 11:30 a.m. in the Visitor Center auditorium at Frying Pan Farm Park. Tickets are $10 per person.
Purchase tickets to see The Great Zucchini
Frying Pan Farm Park is located at 2709 West Ox Road in Herndon. For more information, visit the Frying Pan Farm Park website or call 703-437-9101.