Department of Planning and Development

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Tracy Strunk

Plan Amendment 2018-II-M1; Adopted Amendment 2017-32

McLean Community Business Center (CBC) Study

Locator Map

Adopted On:
June 22, 2021

The McLean Community Business Center (CBC) Study was a land use planning study that reviewed recommendations for future land uses, development intensities, transportation, public facilities and urban design within the CBC. County staff worked with Task Force members and the community at regular meetings to discuss changes to the Comprehensive Plan for the McLean CBC, using the Vision Plan as a primary guide. Task Force discussions on new draft Plan text began in February 2020. 

On April 10, 2018, the Board of Supervisors (Board) authorized Plan Amendment (PA) 2018-II-M1 for the McLean Community Business Center (CBC) in the Dranesville District. The McLean CBC is an approximately 230-acre area centered around the intersection of Chain Bridge Road and Old Dominion Drive and is coterminous with the McLean Commercial Revitalization District (CRD) (Figure 1). The CBC is located in portions of Tax Map Grids 30-2 and 30-4. The last significant review of the Comprehensive Plan (Plan) recommendations for the entirety of the CBC was over 20 years ago, and there was a strong desire in the community to encourage revitalization efforts and to create a “sense of place” in the CBC through the consideration of updates to the Plan. In its authorization, the Board directed staff to include community outreach in the planning effort and to consider revisions to the planned land uses, density and mix of uses; transportation and other public facility needs; and the urban design guidance and Open Space Design standards. 

On June 22, 2021, the Board of Supervisors adopted the Planning Commission's recommendation for Plan Amendment 2018-II-M1.

Click on the map (above) for a detailed enlargement of the area.

Related Resources

Staff Report

Staff Report Addendum

Adopted Text

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