7501 Loisdale Road
2016 Proffer Reform Bill - Non Exempt Area
Adopted On:
November 9, 2021
PLUS Record Number:
Tax Map Parcel:
90-4 ((1)) 3, 4, 5
Supervisor District:
Planning District:
On November 9, 2021, the Board of Supervisors adopted an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan adding an option for a vehicle sales and service facility up to an intensity of approximately 0.10 Floor Area Ration (FAR) at 7501 Loisdale Road (Tax Map Parcel 90-4 ((1)) 3, 4 and 5), in the Springfield Planning District and Franconia Supervisor District, subject to conditions.
On December 1, 2020, the Board of Supervisors authorized the consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment for the 7.23-acre subject site which is currently vacant. The adopted Plan recommends public parks with an option for low-rise office use on Tax Map Parcel 90-4 ((1)) 3 which is in the S7-Springfield East Community Planning Sector. Parcels 90-4 ((1)) 4 and 5 are in Land Unit K of the I-95 Corridor Area and recommended for industrial use at an intensity up to 0.35 floor area ratio (FAR). The Board requested that staff consider an option for an automobile dealership for the subject site and for the Plan Amendment be reviewed concurrently with an application to rezone the property, RZ-2021-LE-007.
Click on the map (above) for a detailed enlargement of the area.