8708 Silverbrook Road
2016 Proffer Reform Bill - Non Exempt Area
Adopted On:
September 14, 2021
PLUS Record Number:
Tax Map Parcel:
98-3 ((1)) 3
Supervisor District:
Mount Vernon
Planning District:
On September 14, 2021, the Board of Supervisors adopted an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan adding an option for residential development up to a density of 5 du/ac for the subject property, subject to conditions.
On September 29, 2020 the Board of Supervisors (Board) authorized the consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment for 8708 Silverbrook Road (Tax Map Parcel 98-3 ((1)) 3), in the P7 Burke Lake Community Planning Sector of the Pohick Planning District, Mount Vernon Supervisor District.
The adopted Plan for this area recommended residential use at a density of 2-3 dwelling-units per-acre (du/ac). The Board requested that staff consider residential use at a density of 4-5 du/ac for the subject property. Concurrent rezoning applications (RZ/FDP 2020-MV-017) were accepted to rezone Parcel 98-3 ((1)) 3 to the PDH-5 district and to develop eight townhomes on the property.
Click on the map (above) for a detailed enlargement of the area.