AT&T Oakton
2016 Proffer Reform Bill - Non Exempt Area
PLUS Record Number:
Tax Map Parcels:
47-2 ((1)) 58
Supervisor District:
Planning District:
On April 11, 2023, the Board of Supervisors authorized the consideration of a Plan amendment for Tax Map Parcel 47-2 ((1)) 58 for residential mixed-use up to 1.0 FAR, consisting of single-family attached and multifamily dwellings, office use, and community serving retail use. Specific considerations should include evaluating the site as the potential Core for the Flint Hill Suburban Center, achieving compatible transitions to adjacent residential areas, tree preservation, and multimodal access and circulation.
The planning study for the AT&T site is currently under development, and community engagement is ongoing. A preliminary schedule of planning milestones is shown below and will include opportunities for the public to participate throughout the process.
Click on the map (above) for a detailed enlargement of the area.
Estimated Plan Amendment Schedule
As of September 2024, County and VDOT staff continue to work with the developer on its Transportation Impact Analysis. Additional community events will be scheduled as more information becomes available, with public hearings with the Planning Commission and Board of Supervisors anticipated in 2025. Please see the details below for more information.