Planning Division

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Fairfax, VA 22035
Kelly Atkinson

Plan Amendment 2013-CW-9CP; Adopted Amendment 2017 P-12

Coastal Resource Management/Tidal Shoreline Erosion Control

Adopted On:
November 9, 2021


PLUS Record Number:

The Coastal Resource Management/Tidal Shoreline Erosion Control 2013-CW-9CP Comprehensive Plan amendment was initiated as a result from the Virginia Senate Bill 964, which was passed back in 2011. The legislation at that time established “living shorelines” as the preferred alternative for stabilizing tidal shorelines in the Commonwealth. County staff at the time determined an update to the Environment Policy Plan was necessary. More recently, Virginia Senate Bill 776 was passed in 2020 which requires Virginia Marine Resources Commission (VMRC) and local Wetlands Boards to approve only “living shoreline” approaches to shoreline stabilization, unless the best available science shows that such approaches are not suitable. The legislation specifies the approach and documentation required for permitting living shoreline measures and protection of wetlands within the Wetlands Board’s jurisdiction.   

Related Resources

Staff Report

Adopted Text

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