Fair Lakes Study - Phase I
2016 Proffer Reform Bill - Exempt Area
Adopted On:
September 10, 2024
PLUS Record Number:
Tax Map Parcels:
45-4 ((11)) A2
Supervisor District:
Planning District:
Fairfax Center
On April 11, 2023, the Board of Supervisors authorized the consideration of a Plan amendment SSPA 2023-III-1FC for Sub-unit E1 of the Fairfax Center Area ("Fair Lakes Study"). On September 12, 2023, the Board of Supervisors revised the authorization to consider the study in two phases:
Phase I - SSPA 2023-III-1FC(A) - The amendment includes a site-specific option recommendation for Tax Map Parcel 45-4 ((11)) A2, within Sub-unit E1 of the Fairfax Center Area special planning area. The option supports redevelopment of the site with up to 400,000 sf of multifamily residential use (400 units), subject to conditions. Editorial revisions to the overall Sub-unit E1 recommendations are also included.
- Phase II - SSPA 2023-III-1FC(B) - will include a larger visioning effort and reevaluation of the overall Fair Lakes recommendations.
Click on the map (above) for a detailed enlargement of the area.