One University
2016 Proffer Reform Bill - Non Exempt Area
Adopted On:
June 4, 2019
Tax Map Parcel:
57-3 ((1)) 11A & B and 57-4 ((1)) 2B
Supervisor District:
Planning District:
On July 31, 2018, the Board of Supervisors authorized the consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment for One University (Tax Map Parcels 57-3 ((1)) 11A & 11B and 57-4 ((1)) 2B) in the Fairfax Planning District, Braddock Supervisor District.
The adopted Plan for Parcels 57-4 ((1)) 2b recommends residential use at a density of 3-4 dwelling units per acre (du/ac), with an option for up to 6 du/ac with consolidation of additional land in Fairfax City. The Plan Map shows public facilities, governmental and institutional use on Parcels 57-3 ((1)) 11A and 11B. The Board requests that staff consider a recommendation for a mixture of approximately 240 affordable multifamily units and approximately 360 student housing units on the site, as well as limited community space/use as may be appropriate. The Board indicated the potential for the proposal to be further adjusted based on community input. The subject properties are owned by the Fairfax County Redevelopment and Housing Authority and will be reviewed as part of a public-private partnership in accordance with the Public-Private Education and Infrastructure Act (PPEA).
Click on the map for a detailed enlargement of the area.