Planning Division

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our offices are open 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
703-324-1380 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 730
Fairfax, VA 22035
Kelly Atkinson

Plan Amendment 2017-III-T1; Adopted Amendment 2017-08

Sunset Hills Road Realignment

Location Map for the Sunset Hills Road Realignment Comprehensive Plan Amendment

Adopted On:
March 6, 2018

Tax Map Parcels:
18-3 and 18-4

Supervisor District:
Hunter Mill 

Planning District:
Upper Potomac 

On March 6, 2018 the Board of Supervisors (Board) approved Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2017-III-T1, located in the Upper Potomac Planning District, Hunter Mill Supervisor District. The Plan amendment recommended a realignment of Sunset Hills Road to Crowell Road (Tax Maps 18-3 & 18-4) with a roundabout as the preferred intersection control at the intersection of the realigned Sunset Hills Road/Crowell Road and Hunter Mill Road. The amendment removed the previous transportation guidance, replacing it with the realignment. The amendment also provided guidance on how the realignment should be designed and implemented to minimize impacts to the residential neighborhoods to the north.

Click on the map (above) for a detailed enlargement of the area.

Related Resources

Staff Report 

Adopted text

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