West Falls Church TSA Study
2016 Proffer Legislation - Exempt Area
Adopted On:
July 13, 2021
Tax Map Parcels:
40-4 ((1)) 13; 40-4 ((2)) 1 & 2; 40-3 ((1)) 83, 84, 92 and 92A
Supervisor District:
Planning District:
On July 31, 2018, through the approval of the 2018 Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program, the Board of Supervisors authorized the consideration of a Comprehensive Plan amendment for the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) parcels (Tax Map Parcels 40-4 ((1)) 13; 40-4 ((2)) 1, 2; 40-3 ((1)) 83 and 84) in the West Falls Church Transit Station Area within the McLean Planning District, approximately 24 acres. On September 25, 2018, the Board of Supervisors authorized the consideration of expanding PA 2018-II-1M to include the Virginia Tech and University of Virginia Northern Virginia Center (Tax Map Parcels 40-3 ((1)) 92 and 92A), an area of approximately 7.5 acres.
The previously adopted Plan for the WMATA parcels recommended public facilities, governmental and institutional/mixed use at the base level; with an option for residential use at a density of 30 dwelling units per acre (du/ac). The previously adopted Plan for the Northern Virginia Center parcels recommended a maximum of 130 dwelling units and 43,800 square feet of retail/office space with an option for 240,000 square feet of institutional use. The Board requested that staff consider for the WMATA property mixed use with office, retail, multifamily, and townhouses up to an intensity of .96 floor area ratio (FAR). The Board requested that staff consider institutional, office, retail and multifamily residential uses at an intensity up to a 2.5 FAR for the Northern Virginia Center property.
The proximity of the Northern Virginia Center property to the WMATA site presented an opportunity to plan the area in a holistic manner. The proposals were evaluated concurrently in order to consider their joint land use, transportation, and public facility impacts.
On July 13, 2021 the Board of Supervisors voted to adopt the West Falls Church TSA Comprehensive Plan Amendment, and in a follow-on motion directed County staff to develop a West Falls Church Active Transportation Plan.
Click on the map (above) for a detailed enlargement of the area.