Planning Commission

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM-4:30 PM M-F
703-324-2865 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway, Suite 552
Fairfax, VA 22035
Jill G. Cooper
Executive Director


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Fairfax Alerts

Land Use Process Review Committee

Meetings will be held in the Conference Room 11 of the Fairfax County Government Center unless announced otherwise. For meetings held in Conference Room 11, live audio from the meeting can be heard by calling 703-324-5300.

2024 Land Use Process Review Committee Members

John Ulfelder, Chairman

Timothy Sargeant, Vice Chairman

Candice Bennett

Mary Cortina

Jeremy Hancock

Chris Landgraf

Peter Murphy

Evelyn Spain

Phillip Niedzielski-Eichner (Alt)


Next Meeting: September 12, 2024, at 8:30 p.m. - Conference Room 11





July 11, 2024

Meeting Materials


May 9, 2024

Meeting Materials


May 2, 2024

Meeting Materials

March 21, 2024

Meeting Materials


February 29, 2024

Meeting Materials


January 11, 2024

Meeting Materials

October 26, 2023

Department of Planning and Development staff gave presentations on the Outdoor Dining Zoning Ordinance Amendment, the Landscaping and Screening Zoning Ordinance Amendment, and guidelines for data centers. Staff responded to questions from and engaged in discussion with the Committee.

Meeting Materials


October 12, 2023

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on the draft text for the proposed amendment to the Public Facilities Element of the Policy Plan. Staff responded to questions from and engaged in discussion with the Committee.

Meeting Materials


June 8, 2023

Department of Planning and Development staff gave an update on the FY2023-24 Zoning Ordinance Work Program. Staff responded to questions from and engaged in discussion with the Committee. The presentations can be found below.

Meeting Materials


May 25, 2023

Department of Planning and Development staff gave presentations on upcoming Zoning Ordinance Amendments on Signs Part II and Landscaping & Screening. Staff responded to questions from the Committee. The presentations can be found below.

Meeting Materials


April 27, 2023

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on updates to the Public Facilities Policy Plan Amendment (2020-CW-1CP). Staff responded to questions from the Committee. The presentation can be found below.

Meeting Materials


March 8, 2023

The Land Use Process Review Committee was constituted. Commissioner John Ulfelder was elected Chairman and Commissioner Timothy Sargeant was elected Vice Chairman.


February 16, 2023

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a final presentation on updates to the County's Parking Reimagined Initiative and responded to various questions from the Committee. The presentation can be found below.

Meeting Materials


December 1, 2022

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on updates to the County's Parking Reimagined Initiative and responded to various questions from the Committee. Then, the Department of Housing and Community Developed gave a presentation on the County's Preservation of Affordable Housing effort and the recommendations from the Manufactured Housing Task Force. Staff also responded to questions from the Committee. The presentations can be found below.

Meeting Materials:


November 17, 2022

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on updates to the Public Facilities Policy Plan Amendment (2020-CW-1CP). The topics included: discussion of co-location of Public Facilities and PPEAs (Public-Private Partnerships) for Public Facilities. This was followed by a presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program. Staff also responded to questions from the Committee. The presentations can be found below.

Meeting Materials:


October 6, 2022

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on updates to the Public Facilities Policy Plan Amendment (2020-CW-1CP). The topics included: Public Outreach Update, 2232 Public Facility Review Process Discussion, and Environmental Policies Summary. Staff also responded to questions from the Committee. The presentations and assorted handouts are listed below.

Meeting Handouts:


July 28, 2022

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on the County's Parking Reimagined Initiative and responded to various questions from the Committee. In addition, staff gave a presentation on the Reston Study that had been authorized in 2020 to evaluate how development might impact residents and public facilities throughout Reston. Staff also responded to questions from the Committee. The presentations and assorted handouts are listed below.

Meeting Handouts:

May 19, 2022

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave presentations on the Site-Specific Plan Amendment retrospective and the Zoning Ordinance Work Program. Staff responded to committee questions from the previous meeting and shared community feedback. 

Meeting Handouts:

May 12, 2022

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave presentations on a pending Zoning Ordinance Amendments on signage and a follow-on motion from zMOD regarding landscaping and contractor offices. Staff responded to committee questions from the previous meeting and shared community feedback. 

Meeting Handouts:

March 17, 2022 - Joint w/ Environment Committee

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a follow on presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Airport Noise Policy (PA 202-CW-3CP) at the joint committee meeting. Staff responded to committee questions from the previous meeting and shared community feedback. 

Meeting Handouts:

February 10, 2022 - Joint w/ Environment Committee

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on the Comprehensive Plan Amendment - Airport Noise Policy (PA 202-CW-3CP) at the joint committee meeting. Staff's presentation topics included background, areas of impact, plan amendment considerations, community outreach plan, and schedule. The presentation and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:



February 10, 2022

Meeting Agenda

Staff from the Department of Land Development Services gave a presentation on ZOA Parking Requirements - Parking Reimagined to the committee. Topics of the presentation included background, progress, goals, conceptual framework, and next steps. The presentation and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:



January 20, 2022

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on the SSPA Retrospective to the committee. Staff updated the committee on timeline, outreach, and nomination criteria. The presentation and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


November 18, 2021

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on the Public Facilities Policy Program to the committee. Staff updated the committee on the progress of the program and the next steps. Committee members shared their feedback with the staff and asked to be included more in the process. The presentation and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


September 30, 2021

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on the Zoning Ordinance Work Program to the committee. The presentation and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


April 22, 2021

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was constituted with John Ulfelder elected as Chairman and John Carter elected as Vice Chairman. Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on the Public Facility Policy Plan Update to the committee. Staff's presentation included the project goals, background, scope, schedule, and next steps. The presentation and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


February 11, 2021

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on the Proposed Wellington/ River Farm Historic Overlay District to the committee. The presentation included the background and staff analysis of the property. Staff also discussed the committee the proposed zoning ordinance amendment and the proposed comprehensive plan amendment. The presentation and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


January 14, 2021

Meeting Agenda

Department of Planning and Development staff gave a presentation on the Propose Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Argitourism to the committee. The presentation included the history, overview, and definition of agritourism. Staff also discussed the committee related changes which included bed and breakfast, food trucks, farm worker housing, and wayside stands. The presentations and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


November 18, 2020

Meeting Agenda

Land Development Services staff gave a presentation on an overview of the Site-Specific Plan Amendment Process (SSPA) to the committee. The presentations and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


October 22, 2020

Meeting Agenda

The committee received a presentation by the Zoning Administration staff on the updates to the Proposed 2020 Zoning Ordinance Modernization Project (zMOD). Staff reviewed and discussed Agricultural and Related Uses, Public, Industrial, and Community Uses, and Commercial Uses. The staff also presented updates on Goods Distribution Hubs and administration procedures, and enforcement. The presentations and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


October 01, 2020

Meeting Agenda

The committee received a presentation by the Zoning Administration staff on the Proposed 2020 Zoning Ordinance Modernization Project (zMOD). Staff went over updates to Industrial Uses, Residential Uses, Accessory Uses, and Temporary Uses. The presentations and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


July 23, 2020

Meeting Agenda

The committee received a presentation by the Zoning Administration staff on the Proposed 2020 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Work Program (ZOAWP). In addition, the committee received a presentation by Clarion Associates, LLC, on the - Consolidated Draft for the Zoning Ordinance Modernization project (zMOD). The presentations and handouts are attached below.

Meeting Handouts:


May 7, 2020

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was constituted with John Ulfelder elected as Chairman and John Carter elected as Vice Chairman. The Zoning Administration staff provided an update on the Proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment regarding Adult Day Care Centers. The committee also received an update on the Zoning Ordinance Modernization Project (zMOD) for the following sections: Procedures Draft, Accessory Dwelling Units, and Home-Based Businesses. 

Meeting Handouts:


November 7, 2019

Land Development Services (LDS) staff provided an update on the LDS proposed Fee Schedule amendment and LDS Phase 2 Flex Project. The committee also received a presentation from Zoning Administration with LDS staff on the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment for Regional Mall Parking Rate, scheduled for public hearing  on November 13, 2019


October 23, 2019

Meeting Agenda

The committee received a presentation by Clarion Associates, LLC, on the proposed changes to the development standards, parking, signs, and zoning districts as part of the ongoing Zoning Ordinance Modernization project (zMOD). The significant proposed changes are located within the summary documents and more detailed descriptions of the changes can be found in the footnotes in the attached drafts which are linked below.


October 3, 2019

Meeting Agenda

Planning Division staff provided an update on the proposed Zoning Ordinance Amendment (ZOA), Lot Line and Lot Width which would delete a portion of the lot line definition and revised the lot width definition. In addition, an update was given on the proposed Outdoor Lighting ZOA.


September 11, 2019

Meeting Agenda

Planning Division staff provided the Committee members with a brief overview and discussion of the SSPA 2018-I-1MS, Merrifield Suburban Center Study, referencing the recently published addendum to the staff report that incorporated recommendations by the Merrifield Task Force.


July 25, 2019

Meeting Agenda

The Committee received a presentation from Land Development Services staff regarding the Public Facilities Manual Flexibility Project, Phase 2 Update. The presentation detailed staff's progress, outreach, various committee's involved, Phase 2 objectives, and projected schedule. Staff has also created the PFM Flex Project website where updates are provided, citizens can submit feedback, or email staff with questions.


May 23, 2019

Meeting Agenda

The Committee received a presentation by staff regarding the proposed 2019-2020 South County Site-Specific Plan Amendment Process (SSPA). The SSPA process is a regular review cycle by which community members may nominate changes to the Comprehensive Plan. Staff provided details on the parameters and timeline for the South County SSPA process and proposed updates to the Comprehensive Plan Amendment Work Program. The committee voted to endorse its recommendation for approval by the full Planning Commission.

In addition, staff also provided a presentation on the Zoning Ordinance Amendment Work Program (ZOAWP) 2019 Update. The purpose of this was to provide the Committee with a status update, highlight the progress made on the ZOAWP during the last 12 months, identify new items that have been added since July 2018, and establish priorities and timing for the next 12 months. The Committee voted to endorse its recommendation for approval by the full Planning Commission.


May 15, 2019

Meeting Agenda

The Committee received a presentation by Clarion Associates, LLC on the draft land use regulations as part of the Zoning Ordinance Modernization Project (zMOD).


March 7, 2019

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was constituted with James Migliaccio elected as Chairman and Ellen J. Hurley elected as Vice Chairman. The Zoning Administration staff provided an update on the Zoning Ordinance Modernization Project (zMOD) for the following sections: Agriculture and Commercial Uses. The committee also received a presentation on the Community Gardens and Farmers Market draft Zoning Ordinance amendment, scheduled for public hearing on April 24, 2019. 

Meeting Handouts for zMOD:

Meeting Handouts for Community Garden and Farmers Market:

November 28, 2018

    Meeting Agenda

The Committee was given an update from Zoning Administration staff regarding zMod: Industrial Uses Follow-Up and Public, Institutional, and Community Uses. In addition, staff provided an update on the Sign Ordinance Amendment scheduled for public hearing before the Planning Commission on December 5, 2018.

    Meeting Handouts:

zMod White Paper Draft Public, Institutional, and Community Uses

zMod Industrial Uses Follow-Up: Data Center, Goods Distribution Facility, Self-Storage and Warehouse Uses

zMod PowerPoint Presentation on Public, Institutional, and Community Uses

Sign Ordinance Table: Current Sections and Corresponding New Ordinance Section & Comments on Changes

Sign Ordinance PowerPoint Presentation


October 17, 2018

Meeting Agenda

The Committee received a presentation by staff regarding Heritage Resources.

Meeting Handouts:
Heritage Resource PowerPoint Presentation
Heritage Resource Section of Comprehensive Plan


October 9, 2018

Meeting Agenda

The Committee received a presentation by Clarion Associates, LLC on the Zoning Ordinance Structure Options as part of the Zoning Ordinance Modernization Project.

Meeting Handouts:
zMOD Proposed Structure and Industrial Uses
zMOD Proposed White Paper for Industrial Uses


September 12, 2018

     Meeting Agenda:

  • zMOD Project to reformat Zoning Ordinance
  • E-Plan
  • Public Facilities Manual Flexibility Project
  • Sign Ordinance Amendment

Meeting Handouts:
Amendment Development and Vetting Process
PFM Flex Project Presentation


May 16, 2018

Meeting Agenda

Ellen J. Hurley was elected Vice Chairman. The Committee discussed the Proposed 2018 Zoning Ordinance Amendment Work Program and endorsed its recommendation for approval by the full Planning Commission. The Committee was also provided with an update by the Planning Division staff on the Site-Specific Plan Amendment process, the public hearing on which will take place on June 21, 2018.

Meeting Handouts:
Proposed 2018 Zoning Ordinance Work Program
The 2017 North County Site-Specific Plan Amendment Screening 


May 9, 2018

Meeting Agenda

The Committee received a presentation by Clarion Associates, LLC on the Zoning Ordinance Structure Options as part of the Zoning Ordinance Modernization Project.

Meeting Handouts:
Zoning Ordinance Structure Options Presentation
Zoning Ordinance Structure Options Report


March 14, 2018

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was constituted. Commissioner James Migliaccio was elected Chairman. The Committee was briefed by the Planning Division staff on the Site-Specific Plan Amendment Process.

Meeting Handouts:

2017 SSPA Locations
2017 SSPA Task Force Roles and Responsibilities
2017 Areas for Nominations
2017 North County SSPA Schedule
Draft Task Force Procedures


February 7, 2018

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was briefed by the Zoning Administration Division staff on the Sign Ordinance Amendment. The Committee also discussed with the Planning Division staff the PA 2017-CW-5CP Vacant Office Building Repurposing Plan Amendment.

Meeting Handouts:

Sign Ordinance Amendment Presentation
Sign Ordinance Amendment Overview
Zoning Ordinance, Article 12, Signs
PA 2017-CW-5CP Presentation
PA 2017-CW-5CP Overview


January 17, 2018

Meeting Agenda

The Committee discussed the Short-Term Lodging Draft Strawman document and focused on the following topics:

  • Short-term lodging in individual owned/rented units; and
  • Aggregated short-term lodging for multiple family dwelling units.


December 7, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Planning Division staff discussed with the Committee the Comprehensive Plan Amendment 2017-CW-3CP regarding the formation of the Site-Specific Plan Amendment (SSPA) process.


September 28, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Zoning Administration Division staff discussed with the Committee the Short-Term Rentals Survey results, regulation parameters, regulations adopted/considered by other jurisdictions and next steps in the Zoning Ordinance amendment process.


September 14, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was briefed by the Office of Community Revitalization and Zoning Evaluation Division staff on the Minor Modifications Amendment as a part of the Zoning Ordinance Modernization Project.

Meeting Handout:

Proffered Condition Regulations


July 20, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was briefed on the following proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordinance:

  1. Soil map update
  2. Minor site plans
  3. Parking proposals:
    • Non-Tyson TSA's
    • Shared parking
    • Transportation demand management
    • New general parking category


July 13, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Committee discussed the Restaurants Amendment with the Department of Planning and Zoning staff.


June 22, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Committee was provided with a presentation on the proposed Short-Term Rentals Zoning Ordinance Amendment.  

Meeting Handout:

Virginia Acts of Assembly - 2017 Session, Chapter 741
Summary of Existing Zoning Ordinance Provisions


May 25, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Office of Community Revitalization and the Planning Division staff gave a presentation on the Office Repurposing Amendment and the Minor Modifications Amendment.


May 4, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Committee discussed with the Department of Planning and Zoning staff the proposed changes to the Planned Residential Community Amendment and the maximum coverage limitation for minimum required rear yards.

Meeting Handout:

Illustrations - Maximum Coverage Limitation for Minimum Required Rear Yards
Zoning Ordinance Provisions Regarding Rear Yard Coverage Limitation


March 29, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Committee discussed the feedback received on the proposed changes to the comprehensive planning process – Fairfax Fairfax Forward and the updated Plan Amendment Work Program with staff from the Department of Planning and Zoning. The discussion included:


March 8, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Office of Community Revitalization and the Department of Planning and Zoning staff briefed the Committee on the Zoning Ordinance Modernization project.  


January 11, 2017

Meeting Agenda

The Office of Community Revitalization and the Department of Planning and Zoning staff briefed the Committee on the Building Repositioning and Repurposing initiative. The topics discussed included:

  • Recommendation 2.8 of the Strategic Plan to facilitate the Economic Success of Fairfax County;
  • Composition and goals of the Fairfax County Building Repositioning Workgroup;Current County employment rate;
  • Office leasing activity and office vacancy rate;
  • Emerging building market trends and technologies;
  • Building Repositioning Workgroup recommendations; and
  • Next steps in the implementation of the Workgroup recommendations.
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