In response to a Board of Supervisors request to enhance outreach efforts geared towards private residential stormwater facility owners, Maintenance and Stormwater Management Division developed a Private Residential Outreach Packet to be mailed to owners of private facilities located on individual residential lots. The outreach packet is provided to assist the Stormwater Management Facilities (SWM) and Best Management Practices (BMP) owner in understanding Fairfax County’s stormwater management program, what it means to be a private SWM/BMP owner, and what their roles and responsibilities are in the proper maintenance of their specific SWM/BMP.
Table of Contents
- Packet Cover
- Cover Letter
- Informational Brochures
- Fixed References (Site specific documents pertaining to this property's stormwater management facility.)
- Facility Factsheets
- Additional Maintenance Information
- Facility specific maintenance guidelines
- Contractor List
- Inspection Checklists
- Inspection and Maintenance Log