Management and Budget

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our office is open 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM M-F
703-324-2391 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway Suite 561
Fairfax, VA 22035-0074
Philip A. Hagen

FY 2010 Budget Process Questions and Answers

The information below is provided in response to questions by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors during the FY 2010 budget development process.  Questions are researched by staff and packages of responses are posted regularly so check back for additional information.



County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


What “menu” of options might be available to employees to address the morale issues associated with not receiving any pay adjustments in FY10?  Are there any overtime savings that might be able to be generated through this?


What is the official school request based on the latest news from the Superintendent?


Please explain what the increased fees for community athletics will fund.  Fee increases include:

1) Application Fee increases to $13.00 per participant per season (current fee equals $5.50); 2) Adult non-resident fee increases to $30 per participant per season(current fee equals $20); and, 3) Implementation of a youth non-resident fee at $30 per participant per season.


How many Assistant Principals are proposed for reduction in the FY 2010 FCPS Advertised Budget?  What percent of the overall total of Assistant Principals does that number reflect?


Please provide background on the fuel price and number of gallons estimated in the FY 2010 Advertised Budget Plan.


Please analyze the option of buying years of service towards retirement. (FCPS allows its employees to buy up to four years).  What would be the potential costs to the County as well as any projected cost savings were this implemented.


Please provide a list of the 524 positions recommended for reduction.  Also provide the subset of these 524 that are management/ administrative level positions.


Provide information on the services for June 2009 Special Education Graduates.


Is the $2 million in increased revenue associated with increased DPZ fees based on the current or future assumed staff level? 




What will happen to the Groveton space if the County is no longer using it?




Please provide usage data on the libraries over the last few months compared with previous usage levels.




By organization, please provide a table outlining baseline contributory funding, the reductions recommended to be taken, and the remaining funding to be provided.




What does the County spend on affordable housing programs in addition to Fund 319, The Penny for Affordable Housing?  How much funding does the County get from state and federal sources for affordable housing?




What would the cost be if retirement was adjusted to reflect the loss of pay increases?




What are the binding or mandated commitments for The Penny for Affordable Housing Fund in FY 2010, including assumptions used?




 Please explain the County’s options related to the proposed $3.5 million reduction in the Child Care Assistance and Referral program.




How are other jurisdictions handling the requirement to provide dedicated funding for stormwater projects?




What are the substantive differences (pros and cons) between the three main options for stormwater; setting it up as a utility, a stormwater district, and maintaining the dedicated penny?




What are the binding and/or mandated commitments the County has on the penny for stormwater?  Specifically what state or federal regulation requires Fairfax County to secure a dedicated source of stormwater funding with regard to the Chesapeake Bay? 

Under the current penny tax, the distribution of funds goes first to regulatory compliance, dam safety, flooding that threatens homes (e.g, Bellehaven), and maintenance of existing stormwater structure (e.g., pipes), staff time, but very little for our watershed management plan projects. 

Under the proposed organizational structure to create a tax district, but assuming only one penny, would the distribution of the funds be any different under the current structure (penny from general funds)?




What are the advertisement requirements for Public Hearing on the FY 2010 Budget?




What opportunities are available for increased Library System revenues in addition to those included in the County Executive's proposal?  What reductions proposed for the Library System could be offset with this additional revenue?




Is the lease at the Western Fairfax (Chantilly) Mental Health Outpatient Clinic site terminable?




What is the cost of the additional 1 percent retirement contribution for Police?




Please describe the fringe benefits budgeting process and determine whether there are additional savings available in FY 2010.




How many people have been taken off of waiting lists for affordable housing through the County’s efforts?




Provide information on the options and strategies that are available to address the potential consolidation of transportation services within the various transportation models in use in Fairfax, including FASTRAN, Connector, and the Fairfax County Public Schools.




Please provide recidivism statistics on sexual offenders




Please identify projected FY 2010 reserve balances by fund.  Describe what the reserves are intended to be used for and if applicable what are the reserves based on.




What are the remaining outstanding obligations for Metro?




Please analyze the option of buying years of service towards retirement. (FCPS allows its employees to buy up to four years).  What would be the potential costs to the County as well as any projected cost savings were this implemented. Please provide information explaining the increased health insurance rates included in the FY 2010 Advertised Budget Plan




How many actual people are involved in the proposed reduction of ELT staff?




Please provide context on the proposed reductions by agency.




Please provide a list of all proposed LOBS reductions that were not included in the County Executive’s FY 2010 budget proposal.




Please provide information on the recent renovation at the Annandale Adult Day Health Center.  What did the renovation consist of and how much was spent?




With regards to the Adult Day Health Care program, what options does the County have to set and increase fees, and what Medicaid reimbursement options are there for this program?




What is the funding source of Health Department reduction 001-71-302?




Does the $106.5 million dollar total cited in a recent Q&A response reflect all County investments for affordable housing from all sources?




Please provide information on how “call back” overtime is minimized by Fire Rescue Department (FRD).




What cuts are not being made and what additional maintenance is being added as a result of the Athletic Services Fee increase?




How much did the County spend in FY 2007 and FY 2008 on Storm Water Consultants?




What was the actual cost of all the employee awards purchased by the County in FY 2008?  Please break the cost down by award.




Please provide a list of County facilities where we provide security.  Please also provide a breakdown of the number of security guards at each facility during regular business hours and the number of guards on duty after regular business hours.  Please also provide incident totals for each site during calendar year 2008.




Please provide a list of new hires by position and salary for the past sixth months.




What would be the impact of reducing the number of Community Revitalization and Reinvestment Advisory Group (CRRAG) meetings in half?




What would be the impact of a 3-year phase in of the increase in Zoning and Land Development fees?




What part of the Supervised Visitation and Exchange program will be maintained if only grant funding is available?




Is there a specific staff to participant ratio required for the Adult Day Health Care program?  Is it viable to propose changing the ratio to lower program costs?




Are any other computer clubhouses besides Willston being recommended for July closure? If not, why was Willston chosen? If so, what drove this policy decision and which LOB impact statement says all will be closed?




What are the differences between outfitting Basic Life Support (BLS) and Advanced Life Support (ALS) ambulances?  What are the salary differences for staff on each?




What are the specific duties of the Environmental Coordinator?  What direct benefit does this position provide to the citizens of Fairfax County?  What other options are available for these functions to be performed?  What are the costs of this position as well as any related overhead costs?




What are the specific duties of the Neighborhood/ Community Building Coordinator?  What direct benefit does this position provide to the citizens of Fairfax County?  What other options are available for these functions to be performed?  What are the costs of this position as well as any related overhead costs?




What are the specific duties of the Program/ Procedures Coordinator?  What direct benefit does this position provide to the citizens of Fairfax County?  What other options are available for these functions to be performed?  What are the costs of this position as well as any related overhead costs?




What are the specific duties of the Health Promotion and Privacy Coordinator?  What direct benefit does this position provide to the citizens of Fairfax County?  What other options are available for these functions to be performed?  What are the costs of this position as well as any related overhead costs?




What are the specific duties of the Legislative Director and Liaison?  What direct benefit does this position provide to the citizens of Fairfax County?  What other options are available for these functions to be performed?  What are the costs of this position as well as any related overhead costs?




Please provide information on the success of the wellness program including how much savings in workers compensation may have been achieved.




What would be the impact of eliminating the third Assistant Chief that was added a few years ago? What would be the savings if this position were eliminated?




What is the number of Assistant and Deputy Chief positions now and how have they grown over the last five years?




What would the impact on the Fire and Rescue Department (FRD) be if they reduced the number of Battalions from seven to six?  What would the cost savings be?




Of the 831.9 position reductions, how many are “in the classroom?”  Also, what number/percentage of this total is currently vacant?




For the four stations that we have proposed eliminating the BLS units – what is the call volume for the period from 7AM to 7PM and the call volume from 7PM to 7AM?




What options exist for continuing the Seniors-on-the-Go! program in FY 2010 with increased fees?




What LOB reductions have already been made during FY 2009?




Can the new financial and HR IT systems be procured on a pay as you go basis instead of outright purchase up front?  What are the pros and cons of each method?




Please provide comparison data on parking violation fees in surrounding jurisdictions.




What options exist for continuing FASTRAN services in FY 2010 with increased fees?




What fee options exist for recovering a portion of the Middle School After-School (MSAS) program expenses?




Please provide information on agency reorganizations occurring between FY 1998 and FY 2009.




Please compare the collection rate for personal property taxes since elimination of the decal fee compared to the years when the decal fee was collected




What private sector funding sources exist for other EDAs that our EDA could explore?




Please provide an update on current space available in the Adult Detention Center. Also include a brief history of when previous floors/half floors have been opened.




Fall 2008 Lines of Business Process for the FY 2010 Budget



County-Related Questions


School-Related Questions


 Please provide the number of miles driven annually by County vehicles


Provide a list of school-related services and positions provided in support of school functions


Please provide information on county employee travel and training expenses, by department/agency/division travel and Training Expenditures by County Agencies


Identify sites and number of porta-johns at school athletic field sites


Please summarize County spending on behalf of the Circuit and General District Courts annually as well as ongoing capital project and information technology costs between FY 2005 and FY 2009


Please provide information on the current number of pupils in Fairfax County Schools receiving free and reduced lunches.  Has this increased since last year?


Please provide a cost per capita comparison between Fairfax County Public Libraries and other similar library systems


What are the number of students (unduplicated) and proportion of students to the entire population that would be captured in at least one of the three specialized categories (Special Education; ESOL; Students Eligible for Free/Reduced Meals)?  Is there any comparison data to other jurisdictions available on this?


How much savings would be generated if regional libraries were closed on a schedule consistent with what is proposed for community libraries?


How will proposed program redesigns impact at-risk students?  Would redesigns impact outcomes such as narrowing the achievement gap?   


Are there any building related issues with closing community libraries on Friday and Sunday while opening them on Saturday?


Should FCPS eliminate or modify the Foreign Language in Elementary Schools (FLES) program before increasing class size?


What specific meeting space is available at each community library during closed hours?


Of the reduction options in Tier 3, what percentage of the personnel reductions are school based and what percentage are non-school based?


What community/after school programs will be impacted by closure of libraries on Friday?  Please breakdown response by demographic group (seniors, youth etc.)


Please review opportunities for fee enhancements at FCPS.  What are available options, and how much could potentially be generated?


Please provide a breakout of the number of visits by library


What is the cost per student for the Head Start program? How does this compare to other jurisdictions?


Provide information by zip code summarizing the usage patterns of community libraries


What is the methodology for defining school-based versus nonschool-based services?


Identify sites and number of porta-johns at park sites


Please discuss the County's current policy requiring students who ride a school bus to an event being required to return on a school bus. Has consideration been given for when sufficient cars are available, allowing or even mandating that families provide transportation following an event so that there are not buses sitting with engines running for hours?


How many children are served in the RecPac program?


FCPS receives around $700,000 in federal funds and around $140,000 from the state for the adult ESOL program.  There is a county match for local maintenance of effort.  What is the status of those funds for that program?


Do other jurisdictions provide a subsidy to support youth officiating?  If not, what (if any) support is provided?




Geographically, where and who are the people that will be impacted by the proposed Dial-a-Ride program reduction?




Provide the criteria used by the Department of Community and Recreation Services in preparing the recommendation to close three of the existing seven Senior + program sites at the Lorton Senior Center, the Lincolnia Senior Center and the Sully Senior Center




Provide a breakout of the dollars associated with the proposed reduction of signage, portable toilets, and monitoring funding for the walk-on use prevention program currently provided by the Department of Community and Recreation Services




What is the total cost of the field monitoring program at athletic facilities at school sites as provided by the Department of Community and Recreation Services (CRS)?




Provide a summary of how many youth are served and the locations of Middle School After School (MSAS) programs operated by Community Recreation Services




Provide a summary of the sites and number of youth served in the Values in Prevention (VIP) program operated  by the Department of Community and Recreation Services (CRS)




Provide a list of existing Computer Learning Centers’ Partnership (CLCP) and computer clubhouse sites operated by the Department of Community and Recreation Services and what criteria will be used in deciding additional CLCP facilities to close




How many youth are served at each Computer Learning Centers’ Partnership (CLCP) and computer clubhouse sites?  What is the cost/staff differential between CLCP and computer clubhouse sites?




Where applicable, provide unduplicated program utilization numbers/data for the Department of Community and Recreation Services programs




Provide a chart summarizing number and specific functions of Public Information Officers (PIOs) by agency




Provide information on the potential for foreclosures of non-residential/commercial properties in Fairfax County




Provide a list of all the programs provided at senior centers by agency, including both those proposed for reduction and those not.  Response needs to be coordinated with Department of Family Services (DFS), Health, Housing, and others as needed.




Please provide the unfunded mandates data broken out between Federal and State.




In the Department of Community and Recreation Services (CRS), what is the relationship between decreased field use monitoring funding and future field maintenance costs?




Discuss the possibility of the Sheriff’s Office taking on additional landscaping responsibilities from the Park Authority.  Are there potential cost savings?  Does Sheriff have the capacity to take this work on?




Please provide the average number of prisoners in the Adult Detention Center (ADC) transported to the emergency room on a monthly basis by the Office of the Sheriff.




Have options been explored concerning using the Police training academy to train officers for other jurisdictions?




Please provide comparison data with other jurisdictions on how Fairfax County compares with regards to court security provided by the Office of the Sheriff.




In the Office of the Sheriff, please provide a breakdown of positions and dollars for administrative functions including, human resources, fiscal, administrative support staff, etc.




Please provide a summary of how the Fairfax County State Criminal Alien Assistance Program works and the amount of funding the Office of the Sheriff has received through this program.




How much of the $5.8 million in identified costs for Safety and Personnel Services for the Fire and Rescue Department (FRD) is related to wellness?  Are there things FRD does well in terms of wellness that the rest of the County could possibly be doing?




Could the Fire and Rescue Department’s Peer Fitness Trainer Program (proposed reduction #16) potentially be outsourced?




Please provide comparative data on what Fire Departments in other jurisdictions do for Advanced Life Support Incentive Pay?




Please provide data on the number and types of responses for the Fire and Rescue Department’s tanker unit.




Please provide the number of calls (Advanced Life Support, Basic Life Support, and other) and response time by fire station.




Are there fire stations that can be consolidated based on activity?




How much did the Police Department expand as a result of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) grant funding (including COPS in Schools)?




Can fees be charged or grant funding sought for the Police Department’s Sexual Assault Free and Empowered (SAFE) program (proposed reduction #3)?




Please discuss cost sharing options with regards to Police helicopter operations in the region.




Can fees be charged to insurance companies for Police medevac transport? 




What percentage of Police cadets become Fairfax County Police Officers?




What is the amount of calls received for the Police Marine Unit of the Fairfax County Police Department?




How long has the Fairfax County Police Department’s Crime Solvers Program been in existence and how many crimes has it helped solve?




What percentage of the Juvenile and Domestic Relations District Court’s $21.8 million budget is mandated by the state?




Please explain the feasibility of the County implementing vehicle tax exemptions for 100 percent disabled veterans?  How would this tax exemption affect County revenue?




Are there any cost savings achievable by aligning the opening and closing times of the Technical Operations Center and/or the Archives and Records Center functions with Library Operations?




The Fairfax County Public Library has proposed reducing library branch maintenance by two-thirds or $79,990.  What does this mean?




Please provide comparison data of Fairfax County with other jurisdictions that shows the ratio between the number of Office of Sheriff medical personnel and prisoners in the Fairfax Adult Detention Center (ADC).




Can Judges require the County to provide court-related security when not already mandated by State Code?




Please provide the amount of State Revenue in the Police Department’s (PD) Internal Affairs Line of Business (LOB90-02), and also summarize the amount of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) cases and general cases handled by Internal Affairs (IA).




Are other community options/alternatives available for language immersion for Police Department personnel, including FCPS?




What is the number of current Police cold case files and what percent of all cold cases are eventually solved?




What are recidivism statistics on sex offenders (comparing youth and adults)?




The Department of Administration for Human Services (DAHS) has proposed eliminating 23/23.0 merit positions.  Of these, how many are currently vacant, how long have they been vacant and how has the agency managed the workload?




Please provide additional information on the impact of reducing the number of days lunch is served at senior centers from 5 days per week to 4 days per week.  Specifically, how many people will be impacted and how many individuals receive this as their only meal of the day?




Please provide additional information on the Rent Relief Program. 




For the Head Start program, please provide outcome data for both students and their families.




How can the fee schedule for the School-Age Child Care (SACC) program be modified to offset the proposed reductions to the program?




What is the overall land value of properties maintained across the County by the Park Authority?  Along with the value of each property please note whether it is staffed.




What are the current Park Authority fees and how are they set?




Who is paying the Northern Virginia Transportation Authority (NVTA) cost? How much of the NVTA cost is the County paying?




Please give a detailed status of the current workload for Land Development Services (LDS).  Please compare current workload levels to 2007 and 2006 levels.




Provide historical information on the revenue generated from the Emergency Medical Transport Fee.




Please list the number of clinic room visits by school and update the current school clusters list.




What is the cost per visit at each of the Health Department’s Community Health Care Network Center (CHCN)?  Is there a more affordable way to provide this service?




Please provide additional detail on the alternative reduction options proposed by the Health Department.




Please estimate the energy cost savings that the County would realize if it filled the Energy Manager position that was funded in the FY 2009 budget but has yet to be filled? Are there any other cost savings the County might realize by filling this position?




What is the current County vehicle mileage reimbursement rate policy, what is it based on and can it be changed/lowered?




Please provide a cost chart on fuel prices over the last several fiscal years.




Provide a breakdown of limited term and part time expenditures over a number of years since FY 2001.




Please provide the cost every two years of State certification requirements on a per police officer basis.




Provide a description of the provision of administrative services within Fairfax County identifying centralized versus decentralized responsibilities providing explanations and examples of each.




If the Health Department’s Clinic Room Aide Program reduction is accepted who would take responsibility for the program? Identify costs (proposed reduction #3).




What rate increases has the Park Authority instituted on its rental houses?  Please provide by house and the rate last year and the current rate.




Where are there opportunities to enhance revenues in the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board (CSB)?   




If all the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board’s (CSB) proposed reductions are taken, what potential impact will there be to other County agencies?  And, how will the CSB work with the community to find service alternatives?




Provide examples of benefits of programs on the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board’s (CSB) proposed reduction list.




How would the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board’s (CSB) proposed reductions impact agency performance measurement results?  (Identify LOB, related performance measure and reduction that applies to it).




Provide information on how the Fairfax-Falls Church Community Services Board’s (CSB) proposed reductions will impact how much each of its vendors will receive in funding.




Is ParkTakes included among the publications proposed for elimination as part of the Park Authority's budget reductions?  What is the cost of producing it and mailing it to Fairfax County households four times a year?




What was the total Capital Facilities personnel services and recovered costs expenditures in FY 2008?




How are other jurisdictions handling the maintenance/trash collection at bus shelters?




Provide the Land Development Services (LDS) workload data (Slide 14) from FY 2007 through FY 2009.




Please provide a list of all County leases with their monthly and annual costs.




Please provide a list of all 700 parcels maintained with their monthly and annual costs.




Please provide detailed information on the Department of Transportation (DOT) and Office of Community Revitalization and Reinvestment (OCRR) leases.




How will the transfer of funding of positions in the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) (i.e., from County General Fund to FCRHA-supported funds) impact service delivery?




Which programs are impacted by the Department of Housing and Community Development’s (HCD) reduction to contract funding for language translation services?




How long have the residents currently at Lincolnia Center been living there?




What are the long-term plans for utilizing Lincolnia Center and Birmingham Green as facilities to meet the needs of the County’s aging population?




Please identify the largest landlords in the County.




Please break down the costs of the FY 2009 EDA adopted budget, including any miscellaneous costs.




Are there any efficiencies or redeployments within the EDA budget itself that could be included as part of the agency’s LOB proposal?




Please provide additional information on the option to charge fees for revenue industrial bonds.  How much revenue could be generated?  Please compare the Fairfax policy to other EDAs.  Are there other potential revenue sources that should be considered?




Please provide additional information on the impact of eliminating all advertising in the EDA budget. Is there a breakpoint where some small amount of funding brings little to no benefit to the County? Are there other reduction options that would allow for some meaningful amount of the advertising budget to be maintained?




How much does Interoffice Mail cost?




Please discuss the possibility of the Fire and Rescue Department (FRD) being able to charge homeowner insurance policies for fire suppression calls.




Are children being immunized by the Health Department not eligible for Medicaid? If they are eligible for Medicaid, what is the County doing to get them signed up?




What is the Park Authority’s position on students using trails for walking to school? If needed, can trail modifications be made to accommodate students?




What is the population served by the Seniors On-The-Go! Program and where would the customers go if the program was eliminated?




Compare the cost of landscaping maintenance contracts managed by the Facilities Management Department (FMD) against the cost of having the Sheriff’s Community Labor Force provide these services.




Discuss cost savings if the Park Authority were to take over currently contracted arboreal services.




Please include a column including the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funding amounts on the tables for Options 1 and 2 in the Consolidated Community Funding Pool (CCFP) presentation.




What capacity is there at Braddock Glen Assisted Living to accommodate the current Lincolnia Center assisted living residents?




Is it possible for the Department of Planning and Zoning (DPZ) to charge additional fees on deferred cases, especially when the case is deferred at request of the applicant?




What additional steps have the BOS and others added that has extended the plan review process in the Department of Planning and Zoning (DPZ)? Are there any “sheets of paper” that could be done without?




What additional steps has the state mandated that has extended the plan review process in the Department of Planning and Zoning (DPZ)?




Please provide additional details on the revised fee structure options that are being developed in the Department of Planning and Zoning. Provide comparison data with other jurisdictions and include the last time the fee was adjusted.




Please evaluate the fine structure for planning and zoning violations? What are the state caps, if any? Is the County maximizing the revenue that can be generated to cover our extensive costs in this area?




Please provide a chart summarizing the average number of days necessary to resolve cases in the Fairfax County Office of Human Rights and Equity Programs (OHREP) over the last few fiscal years. Also include year-to-date data if available.




Please provide detail on usage and the amount of revenue generated by the Showmobile in past years. What fee level would be required to cover the costs of the Showmobile? Also, provide deployment and revenue data (if available) for Arlington County.




What are the criteria for when an agency should have its own internal buyer instead of going through the Department of Purchasing and Supply Management (DPSM)? What agencies have buyers and what goods and services are they purchasing annually?




Through the Department of Tax Administration (DTA) or a contractor working on their behalf, does Fairfax County have authority to collect other fines and fees beyond the ones already being collected (such as grass cutting) and how much could this generate? In addition, does the County have the ability to refer judgments obtained by the County through zoning enforcement actions to the Director of DTA for collection by an outside firm?




In the Department of Tax Administration (DTA), please provide adjusted lines of business reduction options concerning allocation of merit/exempt limited term position eliminations.




Is the County charging the maximum allowed for parking tickets? Is the Department of Tax Administration (DTA) considering this in lieu of, or in concert with, outsourcing?




What are the alternatives for Celebrate Fairfax given that County agency support may be substantially reduced or eliminated?




What are the costs and potential benefits from hiring permanent law clerk-type positions in the Circuit Court?




Please provide information comparing Circuit Court fee levels compared to neighboring jurisdictions and state maximum levels.




Please provide additional information on the costs associated with towns holding elections in May, instead of November.




Please identify the monetary amount of all uncollected judgments the Office of the County Attorney has obtained as a result of the filing of zoning enforcement cases as shown on page 20 of the Office of the County Attorney’s Lines of Business presentation.




What is FCPS funding of $3.2 million for legal counsel specifically used for?




Has consideration been given to charging the public when Planning Commission cases are deferred at the request of the public? Are there any legal impediments to doing this?




What would the $100,000 for capital environmental initiative projects have been used for if not proposed for reduction?




Please provide an update on the Bus Shelter Advertising Program.




Please provide a list of fees that are currently charged with an indication of what increases might be possible for each of them.




Please provide a list of openings by “rank” in county government as of July 1, 2008 and a similar list of current openings by rank.




Please provide a history of the County contribution to Ft. Belvoir National Army Museum.




What are the cost implications between instituting retail versus institutional bond sales for a sample bond issuance?




What contracts do we have with other organizations for employees to acquire foreign language skills?




What are Employee Advisory Council funds spent on?




Provide a comparison of the County’s retirement systems with other jurisdictions.




Please provide the number of retirees in each of the County’s retirement systems.




 Please provide additional information on the proposed closing of the Annandale Adult Day Health Center.  Is the savings figure of around $253,000 net of any income?  How much in fees, etc. does that particular program generate, and is the $253,000 the county's cost, or the total cost to provide services? 





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