You can increase public awareness of an issue by conducting a social marketing campaign.
Social marketing is a method of using traditional, commercial marketing techniques (e.g., advertising, product placement) to influence behavior change and improve a targeted social outcome.
There are several ongoing social marketing campaigns that align with Fairfax County’s Prevention Goals. You may wish to incorporate these in your programs, organization, or community. Some examples include:
- Take 12 Steps for Health
- Tipping the Scales 9 - 5 - 2 - 1 - 0 for Health
- Project Sticker Shock
- Reach Out. Find Hope
If you are interested in designing your own social marketing campaign, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) offers some resources:
- Gateway to Health Communication & Social Marketing Practice
- Social Marketing Resources, Division of Physical Activity, Nutrition and Obesity
- A Step-By-Step Guide to Social Marketing for Community Groups Who Work With Youth (funded by the CDC)