The Architectural Review Board (ARB) was authorized by vote of the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County on November 22, 1967, to oversee and administer Fairfax County regulations concerning certain physical changes and uses within Historic Overlay Districts in Fairfax County as designated by the Board of Supervisors, and to assist the Board of Supervisors in its efforts to preserve and protect historic places and areas in the County, pursuant to the Code of Virginia which authorized local governments to establish such historic districts and review boards. The ARB was established in subsection 8103.4 of the Fairfax County Zoning Ordinance.
The purpose of the ARB is to administer the regulations of Historic Overlay Districts under Section 3101 of the Zoning Ordinance and to advise and assist the Board of Supervisors in its efforts to preserve and protect historic, architectural, and archaeological resources in the County.
Staff of the County’s Department of Planning and Development (DPD) administer the work of the Architectural Review Board and can answer any general or procedural questions about Historic Overlay Districts and the ARB review process. Proposals may be brought before the ARB by any landowner or their representative, or a contract purchaser.
ARB Meeting Information
The ARB meets at 6:30 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month at the Fairfax County Government Center. Applicants should contact the DPD staff administrator at 703-324-1380, TTY 711 for information on ARB procedures and to be placed on the agenda for a regularly scheduled ARB meeting.
The ARB conducts two types of review: informal or “workshop” review, and formal review for approval or recommendation. For details on the ARB application process, how to submit an application, and the submission schedule, please follow the link below.
In 1969, the Board of Supervisors amended the Zoning Ordinance creating thirteen Historic Overlay Districts to provide regulations over and above the regular zoning protection to better protect those unique areas, sites, and buildings that are of special architectural, historic, or archaeological value to local residents and visitors. Since then, the Board of Supervisors has created two additional Historic Overlay Districts, bringing the current total to fifteen.
The Fairfax County Architectural Review Board adopts Bylaws for its rules and procedures for the transaction of its business for the benefit and convenience of the citizens of Fairfax County.
To receive periodic email updates about the Architectural Review Board (ARB), including meeting announcements and agendas, subscribe to the ARB email list.