Submission Guidelines
Guidelines for submitting a request for a minor variation are as follows:
The Zoning Ordinance provides that the Board may approve certain requests for minor variations without a public hearing so long as such requests do not materially affect proffered conditions of use, density or intensity for the following types of requests. Please see subsection 8100.5.A(2) for the exact language.
- Add or modify a use, so long as the use is not specifically precluded in the proffers and it is demonstrated that the new use would have no materially greater land use impacts than the approved uses;
- Increase the permitted building height 15 feet or 15%, whichever is less so long as the maximum height for the zoning district is not exceeded;
- Modify minimum setbacks or other dimensions;
- Add, modify or delete active or passive recreation uses in certain circumstances after the recreational facility was built;
- Modify proffer commitments related to technologies or services that are underutilized, ineffective or obsolete;
- Modify architectural design, character, color, features or materials for buildings and signs in certain circumstances.
Submission Requirements
If interested in filing for a minor variation, please submit the following documentation in the PLUS application portal to the Zoning Evaluation Division:
- Fee of $610; to be paid through the PLUS application portal;
- A letter describing your request;
- Notarized property owner authorization (if the property owner has an agent or is not the applicant);
- Graphics (if appropriate) which depict the proposed variation;
- Signed minor variation statement describing the specific proffer change requested;
- Completed rezoning affidavit; and
- Copy of zoning map with the subject property outlined in red.
Upon submission of a complete package, staff will review and schedule the application for a Board of Supervisors meeting with a target of around 60 days after submission. Should any changes or modifications to your information be needed, staff will contact you. Please be aware that, should the district Supervisor determine that a public hearing would be more appropriate for your request, staff will contact you to determine the next steps. Finally, approximately 30 days prior to your Board meeting, you will receive the notifications, with instructions, that you will mail out to certain adjoining property owners.