A Pre-Application consultation is a service that the Zoning Evaluation Division offers to those who know that they need to file a zoning application. Before proceeding to the online Pre-Application consultation request in PLUS, please ensure that you have done the following:
- Consulted with the Planner of the Day at 703-324-1290
- Reviewed the Comprehensive Plan to ensure your proposal is in conformance with the Plan
- Confirmed that a Rezoning, Special Exception, Special Permit, or Variance is needed
- Have a conceptual layout of your proposal
This service is NOT for:
- Questions related to the Comprehensive Plan or Comprehensive Plan Amendments (Contact the Planning Division at 703-324-1380)
- Use Determinations
- Pre-Submission meetings for Site Plans, Minor Site Plans, Subdivision Plans
Staff meets internally each week to review these Pre-Application consultation requests. After meeting internally, staff will contact you to advise you as to what issues might be necessary for you to address, and if any additional meetings are recommended. This process may take up to three weeks for staff to contact you with comments and advice on how to proceed.
Please note that by following the link below to request a Pre-Application consultation online, you will be taken to the County’s PLUS system. If this is your first time using the PLUS system, you will need to set up an account. Additionally, the County’s PLUS system is used for more than just preapplication consultations. Please select the option for preapplication meetings in the list of options.