Friends of the City of Fairfax Regional Library have supported the Fairfax branch and the library system for almost 50 years. The Friends hold two used book sales per year plus an ongoing sale featuring children’s books plus multiple other categories. These sales raise funds for the City of Fairfax Regional Library. The Friends have provided over $800,000 in generous donations to the Fairfax County Public Library. As strong advocates for the library and its mission, Friends also support library-related community activities.
To become a Friend of the City of Fairfax Regional Library, please visit the branch on a Tuesday, call, or send an email.
Telephone: 703-293-2132 (Messages only)
Funding Projects include: Summer Library Programs; Fall for the Book Festival: library programs for the annual Chocolate Lover's Festival; literacy programs, children’s programs, technology programs, and speaker’s programs, outdoor library furniture; support for outdoor gardening needs; scholarships; and annual April Library Month events.
Friends have also purchased reference and circulation desks, book carts, shelving, magazine subscriptions, supplies and accessories for the branch, and conservation supplies for the Virginia Room. The Friends donated $50,000 to the Fairfax Library Foundation to be used in their home branch as well as an additional $30,000 for system wide needs.
The Friends welcome new members. No dues are required, just a love of books and a sense of commitment to our community.
Meeting Dates
The Friends meet each Tuesday to sort books and prepare for upcoming book sales.
Donation Process
The Friends accept donations of good condition children’s books, adult fiction hardback, trade paper, and mass market.
Categories of appreciated nonfiction donations include:
- Anime
- Art-Architecture
- Biography
- Cookbooks
- Health
- History
- Humor
- Literature
- Philosophy
- Religion
- Science Fiction
- Sports
- Textbooks
- Travel
- Children’s books
- Foreign language books in reasonable quantities
Donations of Civil War, Virginia and Genealogy materials are given to the Virginia Room for the collection or inclusion in their annual sale.
We cannot sell out of date financial, medical or legal information. Moldy books are not our friend. Heavy underlined books are hard to read and do not sell.
For large donations please use the email link to make specific arrangements. It is monitored daily and we will respond.
Friends Officers
President: Dawn Keene
Vice President: Mary Dunedin
Secretary: Sandy Fountain
Treasurer: Kate Clary
Book Sale Manager: Cliff Diehl