For over 40 years, the George Mason Friends have been a fixture in the Annandale community. Founded in 1975, the Friends continues to serve George Mason Regional Library, the community, and the Fairfax County Public Libraries (FCPL) by providing funding for a myriad of library projects.
Recent Accomplishments:
- Donations towards FCPL's Summer Reading Adventure
- Sponsorship of Fairfax Library Foundation scholarships
- Sponsorship of the Fall for the Book Festival
- Purchase of library furniture, program materials, and equipment for George Mason Regional Library
Recognition and Awards
2011: Fairfax County honored us with the Community Resource Champion Award. This award was in recognition of our funding an Endowment in the amount of $500,000 for the benefit of the FCPL Summer Reading Program.
2017: DC Child and Family Services Agency recognized us for contributing hundreds of books to inspire reading among the children the agency serves.
2017 Friends Choice Award Recipient: Lynn McCaffree
Book Sales
The George Mason Friends typically hold two large book sales each year, in the spring and the fall. They also sell books online. The proceeds from these activities support George Mason Regional Library, the community, and FCPL.
New volunteers are welcome; no dues are required. Friends are recruited to assist with processing donations, sorting, and packing books, and especially to help unpack boxes and staff the semi-annual sales. Community service hours are available for middle school and high school students. To volunteer with the George Mason Friends, call 703-813-6616 or email us at
Donation Process
Donations make our book sales possible. Used books, CDs, and DVDs in good, saleable condition are always appreciated. Donations may be placed in or beside the donation bin in the front lobby during library hours. Please do not leave donations outside the library. The George Mason Friends is a 501(c)(3) organization so your donation is tax deductible, but The Friends cannot provide a valuation of your donation.
Donations sought include books of all types (children’s and adult fiction and nonfiction) as well as music CDs, DVDs, recorded books, and recent textbooks. Please do not donate condensed books; vinyl records; encyclopedias more than 10 years old unless they are antique (published before 1945); and National Geographic magazines unless they are either current year or antique (dated before 1945).
The Library staff gives the Friends lists of books with high reader demand. When those items are found among the donations, they are added to library collection for circulation. Replacement copies for damaged books are also added to the library collection.
George Mason Friends Officers
President: Jackie Hess
Vice President: Cathy Schagh
Treasurer: Lance Swanhorst
Co-Secretaries: Karen Dunn, Julieanne Wojay
Friends Blog
Visit the George Mason Friends Blog for more information about book sales, volunteering, and donations.
To contact or to volunteer with the George Mason Friends, call 703-813-6616 or email us at