Founded by Mary Rose in 1954, the Friends of the Thomas Jefferson Library have been one of the oldest supporters of this Library branch since it was located in the rear of a barber shop. The Friends were also an active force in 1960 during the development of the present Thomas Jefferson branch through their strong backing of a $2 million bond issue that funded the building. Over the years, the Friends have been active in their support of the branch as the neighborhood transitioned. In 2002, a rejuvenation of the Friends commenced with an eye on the diversity of the community, the growing volunteering needs of the branch, and the support for funding a new building.
To become a Friend of the Thomas Jefferson Library, please visit the branch. Download and complete an application form to bring with you or ask for one at the branch.
Mission Statement
To make the Thomas Jefferson Library and its services known to all segments of the community; to encourage its use as a cultural and community center; to furnish volunteer help when needed; and to support programs of general interest to the community.
The Thomas Jefferson Friends place children's programming and saluting volunteers at the branch as priority functions to support. The Friends sponsor an annual luncheon celebration for acknowledging adult volunteer efforts. Youth volunteers are acknowledged each summer with a tribute celebration. Program events are also sponsored with presentations of children's puppet shows, magician, and other Summer Reading Program selections.
Book Sales
There is an ongoing book sale and special sales about two times a year.
Donation Process
Donations of books, DVDs, CDs, and popular magazine titles in good, saleable condition are welcome any hours the library is open. Donations can be brought to the library delivery door. A receipt is available to all donors.
Friends Officers
President: Walter Jackson
Vice President: Tricia Byrne
Secretary: Miki Wellck
Treasurer: Walter Jackson