Fairfax County Public Library welcomes customers; we expect all visitors to be respectful of our neighbors, staff and facilities and engage in activities associated with the use of the library.
In particular we prohibit:
- Damaging library materials/property or removing them without permission;
rearranging the furniture - Obstructing or monopolizing any library space
- Use of library computers/Internet access in violation of Virginia Code*
- Inappropriate use of the restrooms
- Eating (except in designated areas)
- Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs
- Smoking and use of tobacco products
- Disruptive behavior
- Harassing, threatening or intimidating language or behavior
- Animals (except service animals)
- Soliciting or distributing literature without prior approval
A person who fails to observe these rules may be asked to leave and could have future access to Fairfax County Public Library limited or suspended.
The Library works in partnership with the Fairfax County and City of Fairfax Police Departments to keep its customers, staff and facilities safe. Thank you for your cooperation.
* Virginia Code1 §18.2-374.1:1 (child pornography), Virginia Code §18.2-372 through §18.2-374 (obscene materials) or §18.2-377 (obscene materials)