2016 Proffer Reform Bill - Non Exempt Area
PLUS Record Number:
Tax Map Parcel:
107-1, 107-2, 107-3, 107-4, 108-1, 108-3, 113-1, 113-2, 113-3, 113-4, 114-1
Supervisor District:
Mount Vernon
Planning District:
Lower Potomac
The Lorton community, with representatives from the South Fairfax Chamber of Commerce, the South County Federation, and other community leaders and HOA representatives, began a visioning process in 2012. To support their efforts, the Mount Vernon District Supervisor created the Lorton Visioning 2040 Task Force which has worked with County staff since 2018 to develop a vision and goals for future development of the Lorton area. The task force has guided the Lorton Visioning process, defined priorities and goals for the Lorton community, and provided recommendations on strategies to accomplish these goals. A community survey was undertaken in the summer of 2019, followed by a community open house in October 2019, to better understand the interests, needs and vision of Lorton residents.
Using the feedback from these initial community engagement activities, and with assistance from County staff, the task force has:
- Identified existing conditions and assets within the Lorton community
- Developed key themes to be addressed from the survey and open house results
- Drafted a set of visioning principles based on the survey results
- Defined the study area within Lorton
This work has helped the task force to further refine and delineate the study’s core focal area which surrounds the opportunities sites that could be key in accommodating improvements that the Lorton community desires by transforming the existing commercial shopping centers into more intense, mixed-use places near transit opportunities; and identifying secondary, supportive areas where additional placemaking can occur. With these concepts in mind, the task force has discussed a general framework for development in the area to support commerce and maintain a high quality of life in the area into the future. Staff drafted preliminary visioning concepts and framework maps to summarize the task force discussions and assisted the task force in visualizing some examples and alternatives for potential land uses, development characteristics, building forms, and connections at those opportunity sites.
These activities set the stage for the formal authorization of the study by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on January 26, 2021.
Task Force Membership
Supervisor Storck appointed a task force comprised of the following community members:
- Nick Firth, Occoquan Overlook, Co-Chair
- Walter Clarke, Mount Vernon Planning Commissioner, Co-Chair
- Ahmad Fryar, Newington Forest
- Brittany Choi, Overlook Point
- Dale Rumberger, Beechwood
- Marlon Dubuisson, Newington Forest
- Cathy Martin, Lorton Station
- Linwood Gorham, Mason Neck
- Tim Sargeant, At-Large Planning Commissioner, Crosspointe
- Tim Rizer, Mason Neck
- Wendy Henley, Gunston Cove
- Andrew Lingg, Liberty
- Angelique Anderson, Lorton Valley
Process and Schedule
The vision for Lorton will be shaped by community input, the task force, and data from the consultants. The visioning process is anticipated to last through the summer of 2023, with monthly task force meetings and regular community engagement opportunities. Future community engagements are anticipated to include an introduction to the planning process, a visual preference survey, and a community open house.