Planning Division

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our offices are open 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.
703-324-1380 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 730
Fairfax, VA 22035
Kelly Atkinson

SSPA Process - Frequently Asked Questions

Click on a question below to expand.

An interactive map showing the areas in Fairfax County that are eligible for the SSPA is now available. 

A nominator may submit only one nomination for the specific land area that he or she proposes for consideration in the SSPA process. This land area may consist of one or many parcels. Nominators should look for a logical planning area, i.e., the land area that could reasonably be planned for the type of use and intensity or density being proposed. The nominator should choose a land area that reflects sound land use planning principles and avoids spot planning (re-planning individual properties in a way that is inconsistent with the surrounding area). 

There are limitations on what properties can be proposed for a Comprehensive Plan change. The following criteria describe the types of proposals that cannot be submitted for the SSPA process:

  • Land areas that are the subject of any pending land use Plan amendment or special study.
  • Land areas that were included in any land use Plan amendment that was adopted since February 13, 2023.
  • Changes to the Policy Plan volume of the Comprehensive Plan.

Changes to countywide systems, such as the countywide transportation network, the countywide trails system, the Bicycle Master Plan, parks and public facilities.

Visit the Board Members website to see maps and contact information for each Supervisor District. 

Anyone! Visit the How to Participate page for information on how to get involved in SSPA. 

Nominations will be submitted through PLUS during the nomination phase. Paper copies of the form are available upon request from the Department of Planning and Development. 

The status of the current 2025 Countywide SSPA Process nominations may be reviewed on the website after the nominations have been reviewed.

For past SSPA cycles, please visit the 2017 North SSPA , 2019-2020 South SSPA, and 2022-2023 Countywide SSPA Track a Nomination webpages.

At the beginning of each SSPA cycle, an estimated schedule is prepared and shared online. View the 2025 Countywide SSPA Process timeline document for the overall schedule.

Yes, unless otherwise accepted by the Board, all nominations MUST include the written consent of the owners of the nominated properties. A sample property owner consent letter is available.

SSPA Process Videos

View the entire SSPA Process Video Playlist on the Fairfax County Government YouTube channel. 2025 Countywide SSPA process videos will also be available for viewing soon.

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