Public Works and Environmental Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our administrative office is open 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Mon. - Fri.
703-324-5230 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 458, Fairfax, Va 22035
Eric Forbes
Director, Solid Waste Management

Recycling and Trash News, Videos and Podcasts

Recycling and Trash News

Solar panels at the Newington Collections Facility in Lorton.
- A rooftop solar system that will save energy costs and reduce carbon emissions the same amount per year as recycling the contents of nearly five garbage trucks full of waste has been installed by the Department of Public Works and Environmental Services at its Newington Collections Facility in Lorton.
Dump truck tipping load
- The Department of Public Works and Environmental Services is requesting feedback from residents on their current trash and recycling practices and their opinion on proposed countywide zero waste strategies through a quick online survey on the Public Input platform.
Plastic bottles awaiting processing.
- Have you ever thought about seeing how long you can go without buying plastic products? Perhaps 31 days. Throughout the month of July, the Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services is encouraging everyone to avoid buying products made of and packaged in plastic.

Learn about the environment in Fairfax County. Listen to EnviroPod.

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