Public Works and Environmental Services

CONTACT INFORMATION: Our administrative office is open 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Mon. - Fri.
703-324-5230 TTY 711
12000 Government Center Parkway
Suite 458, Fairfax, Va 22035
Eric Forbes
Director, Solid Waste Management

Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQG - formerly CESQGs)

Download the VSQG Brochure
Download the VSQG Brochure

Businesses or Fairfax County Government agencies that generate small quantities of hazardous waste may qualify as Very Small Quantity Generators (VSQGs, formerly CESQG). This program provides a legal and affordable solution to hazardous waste disposal. The benefit of the program is that it offers prices well-below the normal cost of disposing of hazardous waste directly with a hazardous waste disposal contractor. Additionally, the program eliminates painstaking recordkeeping requirements to businesses and institutions that contract for disposal directly with hazardous waste disposal service providers.

Fairfax County offers six VSQG events each year.

Household Hazardous Waste DrumsVSQG Event Dates:

  • Wednesday, January 15, 2025
  • Wednesday, March 19, 2025
  • Wednesday, May 14, 2025
  • Wednesday, July 16, 2025
  • Wednesday, September 17, 2025
  • Wednesday, November 12, 2025


9 a.m. to 2 p.m., rain or shine


I-66 Transfer Station Household Hazardous Waste Facility located at 4618 West Ox Road Fairfax, Virginia 22030

Business/commercial hazardous waste may only be disposed of on a scheduled business disposal day by small businesses that meet federal and state requirements.

Participation Requirements:

  • The business MUST be based in Fairfax County.
  • The waste MUST be generated in Fairfax County.
  • The business MUST meet the conditions of a Very Small Quantity Generator (VSQG).
  • The business MUST provide and complete all required paperwork and documentation to the satisfaction of the County.

VSQG Event Waste Disposal Pricing List

Note: Prices will be priced “Each” or be rounded off to the nearest gallon. For example, ½ gallons of material will be charged as if it were one gallon of material.


Five steps to participate in the VSQG program

View the EPA's Learn the Basics of Hazardous Waste

The hazardous waste identification process is the crucial first step in the hazardous waste management system. Correctly determining whether a waste meets the RCRA definition of hazardous waste is essential to determining how the waste must be managed. The waste generator has responsibility for determining if a waste is a RCRA hazardous waste (See: 40 CFR 262.11).

View the EPA's steps for identifying hazardous waste. Still note sure? Call the Household Hazardous Waste Facility at 703-222-2861, TTY 711, or send an email.

Prior to the event, complete a copy of the VSQG Liability of Waiver form. The liability of waiver form will need to signed by the owner, generator, or acting agent of the participating business. The signed copy of the liability of waiver form will then need to be Notarized. This is a one-time requirement for participation. After the initial sign-up, this step will not be necessary for future disposal visits unless otherwise required as a result of future regulatory statute changes.

You must provide a copy of your Business, Personal Property, State, County Business License, or Tax Exempt ID (non-profits) as proof that your business is located in Fairfax County (including cities or towns located within the county).

Prior to arrival, place all chemicals or other items requiring disposal in secure containers, boxes, or drums. Drums larger than five-gallons cannot be accepted. A full 55-gallon drum would need to be emptied prior to the event and delivered in eleven 5-gallon containers.

Make sure that all items are labeled properly for identification. If there are multiple contaminants mixed, list all of the used (spent) chemicals or constituents in the mixture to ensure proper disposal. Generators that fail to properly identify and label hazardous waste streams shall be culpable for any off-specification rates or changes.

Ensure all containers are secured tightly including lids or caps to prevent leakage or spills from occurring. All hazardous wastes should be managed and transported in accordance with all Code of Federal Regulations 40 CFR 262.14 requirements.

Download the VSQG - Business Hazardous Waste Disposal Program Brochure.

It is a quick reference pamphlet outlining some of the important steps required for participation in the program. Bring completed paperwork to the event.

And that's it!

What if I exceed the amount of hazardous waste allowed under the VSQG statute?

If you exceed the amount of hazardous waste allowed under the federal and state requirements, your business will not be eligible to participate in the Fairfax County, Virginia VSQG disposal program. Refer to the Virginia Hazardous Waste Management regulations for details.

If a VSQG exceeds the allowable generation rate in a calendar month due to a unique occurrence or an unforeseeable/infrequent event, this may qualify as an episodic generator. If episodic generation of hazardous waste becomes a repeated occurrence, changing the hazardous waste generator status will be required. Until the hazardous waste is removed from the site, the hazardous waste generator must comply with the more stringent regulations applicable to businesses or institutions that qualify as small or large quantity hazardous waste generators. The business or institution can return to VSQG status after the hazardous waste is transported off site for disposal and as long as it does not generate more than 220 pounds in any one calendar month during the next 12 months.

Another source of information about how to properly manage hazardous waste generated by businesses or institutions is Northern Virginia Regional Commission, knowtoxics.

If you fail to meet the participation requirements of a VSQG, you may utilize the services of a hazardous waste disposal contractor and transporter, visit Disposal Companies for Specialized or Hazardous Waste.

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