Department of Planning and Development Alert:
The Noise Ordinance (Chapter 108.1 of the County Code) regulates noise sources by prohibiting certain activities at night, by exempting certain activities from the Noise Ordinance altogether, or by subjecting certain noise sources to a maximum decibel level. Per Section 108.1-6-1 – Waivers, any person responsible for any noise source may apply to the Zoning Administrator for a waiver or partial waiver from these provisions. Examples of activities that typically request noise waivers include construction projects at school sites, roadwork, and other similar activities.
However, the Zoning Administrator may only grant a waiver or partial waiver upon a finding that:
Additional information about the Noise Ordinance is available on the Noise Ordinance webpage.
All noise waiver requests must be submitted electronically through the PLUS application portal.
For additional information on how to use the PLUS application portal, please visit the DPD PLUS Information & Support page. Instructional videos are available on the Fairfax County PLUS - YouTube channel.
If you have technical questions (e.g. account setup, password issues) regarding the PLUS system, please contact the Help Desk:
Location map: Using an aerial photograph or map, outline the location of the event or construction requiring the noise waiver. If construction involves milling or resurfacing of the roadway, highlight the relevant roadway, or portion of the roadway and identify the lane direction.
VDOT approval: If construction is in the right of way, VDOT approval is required. Acceptable VDOT approval documents are either a VDOT permit or an email/letter from VDOT confirming the scope of work, location, and dates of construction.
Letter of permission: If construction will be located on County or Fairfax County Public School owned property, a letter of permission from the associated County or School agency managing the project is required. This letter must be signed by the County or School project manager and include their contact information.
For additional assistance, please contact the Zoning Permits Section by phone at 703-222-1082 or by email.