Yard waste is the organic waste generated by yard and lawn care and includes leaves, grass trimmings, shrub and tree trimmings. [No soil, mulch, sod, stumps, whole trees, large branches or limbs or clean-up from storm damage.] No bamboo or invasive vegetation.
Yard waste is collected and processed for recycling only during the period March 1 –December 24. Yard waste must be placed at the curb separately for collection. Yard waste must be placed in compostable paper bags or rigid containers [No plastic bags]. Small quantities of yard waste should be tied in bundles weighing no more than 50 pounds [pieces should be no longer than 4 feet in length and 6 inches in diameter]. More than 4 bundles of tied yard waste should be scheduled for a Special Pickup. For more information on alternatives to yard waste management, visit the Yard Waste information page.
During the period December 25-end of February, if you have yard waste, it must be bagged and placed in your trash cart.