Grist Mill Park Master Plan Revision
The Fairfax County Park Authority kicked off a master plan revision for Grist Mill Park with a public information meeting held on March 4, 2019 at Woodley Hills Elementary School in Alexandria. You may review the presentation and meeting summary from this meeting available in the Meeting Documents section of this page. The planning process will help guide the future of this well-loved park and we want to hear your opinions, so please sign up for our email list and provide comments at the links below.
Located at 4710 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway in Alexandria, Grist Mill Park provides over 75 acres of playing fields, garden plots, off leash dog area, playground, historic barn, parking, trails, and forest. The park is located in the Mount Vernon Supervisory District and is classified as a district park. Please refer to the vicinity map in the Planning Documents and Maps section on this page.
Grist Mill District Park consists of three parcels acquired by the Fairfax County Park Authority between 1975 and 1986. Existing facilities provide opportunities for park users to attend programs, camps, concerts, and sporting events; practice; exercise; walk their dogs; garden; picnic; and enjoy the outdoors. The park’s key assets are its athletic fields, garden plots, dog park, and open space, all of which are popular among surrounding neighbors and the broader community. More information about the park, its history, and current features can be found in the existing master plan for the park, which can be found in the Planning Documents and Maps section of this page.
Grist Mill Park’s current master plan has guided the park’s uses and development since it was approved in 2002. Since 2002, visitation to the park has grown as the county has developed. Visitors of all ages now expect a dynamic, modern park experience, which requires flexibility and quality park facilities. A revised master plan will help Grist Mill Park continue to evolve to meet the needs and interests of county residents while ensuring protection of the park's important resources for future generations.
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