703-324-8700 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927
Fairfax, VA 22035
Ben Boxer
Public Information Officer

Department Resources

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Athletic Field Rules

Park Authority employees and authorized volunteer staff have been trained and are obligated to enforce these rules and regulations. Failure to abide by these rules may also result in violators being ejected from the park immediately and prohibited from future use of park property, facilities or services.

athletic fields

  1. Hitting, throwing or kicking balls into fences is prohibited.
  2. Golfing, motorized vehicles are not allowed on fields.
  3. Play on fields is prohibited during wet or inclement weather.
  4. Field maintenance is prohibited without prior approval from the Fairfax County Park Authority.
  5. Deposit trash in trash receptacles.
  6. Climbing on fences, backstops and goals is prohibited. Hitting, throwing, or kicking balls into fences is prohibited.
  7. Competitive recreation - golf, baseball, softball, basketball, football, lacrosse, hockey, tennis and other active competitive sports -- is allowed only on the Park Authority's facilities designated specifically for that type of activity and only during regular park operating hours.
  8. The scheduling of organized sport groups and the issuance of permits to those groups shall be in accord with guidelines provided by the Park Authority and the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors. Permit holders shall have first rights for the use of the fields to which they have been assigned. A field not being utilized by a permit holder may be used by others, including the "walk-on" public.
  9. Field closings for maintenance, safety or other reasons deemed appropriate for the management and protection of property shall be at the discretion of the Park Authority.
  10. Use periods of Park Authority fields shall be limited as follows: Level 1 Fields: The second Saturday in April to the first Sunday in November. Level 2 and 3 Fields: The last Saturday in March to the third Sunday in November. Artificial Surface Fields: Open year-round except for when the Park Authority closes an individual field or group of fields due to unsafe conditions or for maintenance purposes. The single-season sport of youth football is not subject to the closing dates.
  11. For patron safety, only players, coaches, umpires and referees are allowed on athletic fields. All spectators, pets and others are to remain at least 15 feet from the boundary of the field, or outside a perimeter fence.
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