703-324-8700 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927
Fairfax, VA 22035
Ben Boxer
Public Information Officer

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Rec Center Fitness Room Rules

Park Authority employees and authorized volunteer staff have been trained and are obligated to enforce these rules and regulations. Failure to abide by these rules may also result in violators being ejected from the park immediately and prohibited from future use of park property, facilities or services.

fitness center

  1. Children age 11 and under are not permitted in the fitness room at any time. Strollers, baby carriers and children are not permitted to wait inside the fitness center while a parent/guardian is exercising.
  2. Teens between the ages of 12-15 may use the fitness room equipment when accompanied by a paying adult who is responsible for direct supervision. An adult is defined as someone 18 years or older, and direct supervision is defined as being immediately adjacent to the machine that the teen is using. The adult may be using an adjacent machine or standing next to the machine that the teen is using.
  3. Upon completing the Teen Fitness Room Training Class, teens 12 - 15 years of age may receive a certification card to present for entry and may exercise without direct adult supervision.
  4. Rubber soled athletic shoes that cover the entire foot must be worn at all times. For health and safety reasons, sandals, spiked shoes, work boots and flip-flops are not permitted.
  5. Proper fitness attire is required. Shirts must be worn at all times. Bathing suits and clothing with exposed metal rivets or parts are not permitted in the fitness room.
  6. Food is not permitted in the fitness room. Closed plastic beverage containers are allowed.
  7. Customers are responsible for wiping down equipment after each use and returning the weight plates and dumbbells to the racks provided.
  8. Fairfax County Park Authority personal trainers conducting circuit training have priority. Please allow others to "work in" (share) the circuit equipment between sets.
  9. Cardiovascular equipment use is limited to 30 minutes when people are waiting.
  10. Use of a spotter when lifting free weights is recommended.
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