02/22/2025 5:30 pm
(3-Adult) Enjoy a stroll along the lake shores and learn about the constellations, their stories and other night-sky features. Our astronomical naturalist will identify the stars and will have some telescopes to use. The program concludes with a campfire. S'mores ingredients provided. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
02/23/2025 12:00 pm
(8-Adult) Identify some of Fairfax County's common invasive plant species. Explore ways to lessen these plants around your home.
02/28/2025 5:30 pm
(5-Adult) Join us for an evening campfire the whole family can enjoy. Explore the wonders of our natural world through nature walks, interactive activities and animal presentations. Includes s’mores. Topics vary by date. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
03/02/2025 2:00 pm
(3-9 years) Join a naturalist to learn everything you have ever wanted to know about dinosaurs. Participate in activities that highlight the things that make dinosaurs special including the diets of different dinosaurs and the interesting adaptations they had that helped them survive millions of years ago. The class will also investigate what adaptations dinosaurs might…
03/08/2025 6:00 pm
(7-Adult) Walk the meadows and forest edges to see bats feeding on insects. Use a bat detector to hear echolocation. Learn about our native bats and their habits. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
03/14/2025 7:30 pm
(5-Adult) Join us for an evening campfire the whole family can enjoy. Explore the wonders of our natural world through nature walks, interactive activities and animal presentations. Includes s’mores. Topics vary by date. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
03/15/2025 3:00 pm
(5-Adult) Join a naturalist to search for signs of raptors and explore what makes them different from other birds.
03/16/2025 1:00 pm
(7-Adult) Meet with a naturalist to sketch all of the dinosaurs that might have called the park home millions of years ago. Investigate the various adaptations that it’s believed that dinosaurs had and learn how to draw dinosaurs with adaptations that fit the park’s ecosystem. Participants are encouraged to bring their own sketchbooks and preferred medium, but extra…
03/22/2025 12:30 pm
(3-Adult) Hike with a naturalist to learn about different insects’ behavior and habitats. Explore the park to fill out bingo sheets to better appreciate the tiny workers around us.
03/28/2025 7:30 pm
(5-Adult) Join us for an evening campfire the whole family can enjoy. Explore the wonders of our natural world through nature walks, interactive activities and animal presentations. Includes s’mores. Topics vary by date. Children must be accompanied by a registered adult.
03/29/2025 11:00 am
(5-Adult) Join a naturalist to learn the basics of fishing while enjoying the beauty of the lakefront. Gain a better understanding of not only how to fish, but also how we can better connect with the natural world while participating in recreational activities, such as fishing. Rod and bait will be provided. Participants 16 and older must have a valid Virginia fishing…