Planning and Improvements

703-324-8533 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Pkwy., Suite 421
Fairfax, Virginia
Aimee Vosper
Deputy Director

Trailside Master Plan Amendment

Department Resources


The Fairfax County Park Authority Board approved an amendment to the Trailside Park Master Plan at its regular meeting on December 14, 2022. When the 6.6-acre local park was acquired by the Park Authority in 1972, it was already functioning as an active recreational sport destination with three, 60-foot diamond ball fields (fields 1, 2, and 3) and one tee ball field (field 4). In 1996, recreational field lighting was added to fields 1 and 2 with funding assistance from the Central Springfield Little League (CSLL).   
The amendment to the master plan allows for future lighting at both fields 3 and 4 so that all fields may one day be lit. The added lighting would not only increase the evening usage of fields 3 and 4, especially during the late fall and early spring seasons, but could also help to improve the overall safety in the park. The new lighting would be LED lighting with directionally focused lamps that minimize glare and conform with all current Fairfax County lighting ordinances as well as meet the International Dark-Sky Association (IDA) standards.  
FCPA launched a 30-day public comment period on September 28, 2022 so that the community could have an opportunity to review the proposal and submit feedback. Additionally, postcards were distributed to the adjacent households to announce the project and to solicit additional feedback. The public was invited to comment by email or in person by attending the November 9, 2022 Park Authority Board meeting. Upon review of the feedback from the community there were no objections to the proposal. 

Trailside Master Plan Amendment Project


Trailside Park is a 6.6-acre local park located at 6000 Trailside Drive in Springfield, VA.  The park is nestled to the southeast of the I-95/I-495 interchange and was fully developed with diamond ball fields when it was donated to the Park Authority in 1972.  The park supports primarily active recreational opportunities, including local youth little league play, on two lighted diamond fields (fields 1 and 2) and two unlit fields (fields 3 and 4). 


The main objective in amending this master plan is to introduce athletic field lighting to all the fields. The added lighting will allow extended evening use of the diamond fields during the fall and spring months and improve overall safety of the park.


Comments regarding the Trailside Park Master Plan Amendment can emailed here.

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