Obtaining a Continuance in a Criminal Case
Motions for continuance are not placed on the docket. The party requesting the continuance must make arrangements for the Commonwealth Attorney and defense counsel (or pro se defendant) to be on a conference call prior to calling into Calendar Control. Generally, the Calendar Control Judge is available beginning at 8:30 a.m., Monday through Friday. Anyone wishing to appear (telephonically) before the Calendar Control Judge must call Judges' Chambers by 9:00 a.m.
Prior to contacting Calendar Control, the moving party must complete the Calendar Control Order Form, which is available in Judges’ Chambers, the Commonwealth Attorney’s Office and the link below. The Calendar Control Order Form must be submitted to Judges Chambers, either by dropping off the original form printed out on orange paper, or by emailing the form to Judges Chambers at
The completed form must be submitted no later than noon the day prior to the Calendar Control hearing. If you are emailing the form, make sure you email the form with a white background, not orange. The form will be printed out on orange paper.
If you have any questions relating to Calendar Control, you may contact Judges' Chambers at 703-246-2221.