703-324-8700 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Parkway, Suite 927
Fairfax, VA 22035
Ben Boxer
Public Information Officer

Department Resources

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Rec Center Diving Board Rules

Park Authority employees and authorized volunteer staff have been trained and are obligated to enforce these rules and regulations. Failure to abide by these rules may also result in violators being ejected from the park immediately and prohibited from future use of park property, facilities or services.

diving board

  1. Only 1 person on the diving board and ladder at a time.
  2. Each person must wait until the preceding diver has cleared the area before diving.
  3. Divers must swim directly to the nearest ladder and leave the pool.
  4. All divers must dive straight off the end of the diving board.
  5. Only 1 bounce is permitted on the diving board.
  6. Cartwheels and handstands are prohibited.
  7. Goggles and flotation devices may not be worn when using the board.
  8. Running, pushing, causing undue disturbance, or other dangerous conduct is prohibited at all times in the diving board area.
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