Park Authority employees and authorized volunteer staff have been trained and are obligated to enforce these rules and regulations. Failure to abide by these rules may also result in violators being ejected from the park immediately and prohibited from future use of park property, facilities or services.
Green Spring Gardens is a Fairfax County Park Authority (FCPA) public garden with protected landscapes and a historic house. The gardens are part of a documented living plant collection, accredited through the American Public Gardens Association and the American Alliance of Museums. The following rules and reservation system were established to help ensure the protection of this resource for you and others to enjoy.
No alcohol, glass bottles, or coolers are permitted in Scott’s Run. Bags will be checked at parking lot trailheads. Enforcement will be stepped up at the waterfall area. The beauty of the falls masks its peril. This area is subject to dangerous currents, and submerged rocks can combine with those currents to make entering the water a deadly decision. Rain upstream can raise water levels astonishingly quickly.
No swimming, wading or boating is allowed at Scott’s Run. Crowds in the water threaten the many invertebrates and the remarkable and rare plant species that call the preserve home. Parking is limited to 50 cars in the designated parking areas. No parking is permitted in adjacent neighborhoods or along the roadway leading to the park.