Youth Assessment Screening Instrument (YASI)
The YASI is a validated screening instrument used to assess risks, needs, and strengths of a youth. During a YASI assessment the probation officer asks the youth and the youth's family questions about their legal history, family, school, community and peers, mental health, substance abuse, violence and aggression, attitudes, skills, employment and free time. The YASI assists a probation officer in developing the youth's level of supervision and a supervision plan during probation. All youth under probation and parole supervision are given a YASI assessment. Every 90 days the youth and family will review the youth's progress in all areas.
Juvenile Intake administers the YASI for all Diversion eligible youth to determine potential areas to address.
Psychological Evaluations
When a youth is placed on probation and court ordered to complete a psychological evaluation, it can be arranged through their probation officer.
If the youth is ordered to complete a psychological evaluation but is NOT placed on probation the youth's guardian is responsible for arranging for the evaluation. Contact your insurance for providers or contact Fairfax County's Community Services Board for further guidance.
A psychological evaluation is performed by a psychologist (Ph.D or Psy. D.) who uses testing procedures to provide a description of the individual's current psychological functioning.
Mental Health Evaluations
A mental health assessment is completed by a mental health professional to determine a client's current mental health, DSM-5 diagnosis, and current level of functioning.
Substance Abuse Evaluations
Substance abuse evaluations can be arranged through your insurance provider or through Fairfax County's Community Services Board.
Psychosexual Evaluations
If a psychosexual evaluation has been ordered, contact the probation officer for further information.
Investigation and Report (I & R)
An Investigation and Report is ordered when a judge wants to know more information about a youth's background before making a decision in the case. The youth and family will meet with a probation officer who will ask them questions about the family's history. The probation officer will make a recommendation and the report will given to the judge prior to the next court hearing.
The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS)
The Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) is an assessment tool developed for children’s services to support decision making, including level of care and service planning, to facilitate quality improvement initiatives, and to allow for the monitoring of outcomes of services.
Global Appraisal of Instrument Needs - Short Screener (GAIN-SS)
The GAIN-SS is a screener that's used to quickly and accurately identify clients who would be flagged as having one or more behavioral health disorders.