Delinquency is defined as criminal complaints filed against a juvenile 17 and under. Criminal offenses are felonies or misdemeanors. The penalties for delinquency offenses are more serious than for CHINS offenses. Felonies may only be filed by law enforcement officers, with the exception of unauthorized use of a family vehicle, which can be filed by a parent. Criminal offenses may be committed against citizens, businesses or family members and can include: theft, assault, destruction of property, breaking and entering, etc. It is best to contact the police in criminal matters prior to seeking Intake Services.
If arrested or charged with a delinquent offense, a youth is referred to Juvenile Intake. Part of the intake process may involve an assessment. This information helps the intake officer decide how to handle the youth's case. Intake officers make decisions based on the needs of the child, risk to public safety, and seriousness of the charge.
After the intake meeting, the intake officer may:
- Refer a youth to community resources or to a diversion program
- File a petition for a formal court hearing
- Issue a shelter care order or detention order