Supervised Release Services (SRS) encompasses the Outreach Detention, Electronic Monitoring and Intensive Supervision Programs. SRS primarily functions as a detention alternative providing highly structured supervision, monitoring, and services to juveniles awaiting adjudication or final disposition of charges. Juvenile Intake or Probation Officers may assign youth to SRS while they are waiting for court or as a sanction for violating probation rules. In addition, Judges may release juveniles to SRS at a detention hearing, or an adjudication or dispositional hearing, on the condition that they follow the rules established by the Court in conjunction with the SRS program.
SRS staff meet with the assigned juveniles immediately after their release to SRS, or within 24 hours, to establish SRS rules as required by State minimum standards. Staff orient juveniles and parents to other expectations, such as frequency and place of visits, and sanctions for rule violations. SRS staff visit juveniles four times per week, which include at least once every other day, weekdays, and weekends. Visits take place at a juvenile's home, place of employment, or school. Staff contact parents or guardians at least weekly.
Intensive Supervision Program (ISP) is a 45-60 day program that will include 3 P.O I’s who will provide supervision in the evenings, to include weekends to youth (and young adults up to age 21) who are considered high risk or represent an elevated danger level to public safety. The service will operate as a detention alternative for cases with new charges and as graduated sanctions for probation/parole cases who have been non-compliant with their existing rules and need increased supervision after normal work hours. The program is aiming to see about 15-20 cases at a time throughout Fairfax County. Clients can be court ordered in to the program or probation/parole officers can refer clients to ISP as a type of informal sanction. In addition, ISP will serve as a Re-Entry type program for those youth/young adults who are coming out of extended residential facility stays and there is a concern about his/her readjustment back to the community. While on ISP, the clients will receive information about local programs and services that could serve to improve their potential for success in the community.