Jefferson Golf Course

CONTACT INFORMATION: Course open dawn to dusk, weather permitting.
703-573-0444 TTY 711
7900 Route 29
Falls Church, VA 22042
Jonathan Casey
General Manager

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Jefferson District Golf Course Rules

Park Authority employees and authorized volunteer staff have been trained and are obligated to enforce these rules and regulations. Failure to abide by these rules may also result in violators being ejected from the park immediately and prohibited from future use of park property, facilities or services.

For the pleasure and safety of all our visitors, please be advised of Jefferson District Golf Course rules and policies.

  1. USGA rules govern all play except where modified by local rules.
  2. Beer is available for sale in the clubhouse.  Only beer purchased from the clubhouse may be taken onto the course.
  3. Proper attire is required. Shirts must be worn at all times.
  4. Steel spikes are prohibited.
  5. Each player must have their own set of clubs.
  6. Keep pull carts and bags off greens, greens collars and tees.
  7. Keep power carts at least 15 feet from greens and tees. Never drive between a bunker and a green.
  8. Children must be 5 years of age to be on the course, and 8 years of age to play.
  9. Children between the ages of 5 and 12 must be accompanied by an adult at all times.
  10. A maximum of four players are permitted in a group. Management reserves the right to combine individuals and smaller groups into foursomes at its discretion
  11. Double par rule is in effect.
  12. Play "Ready Golf". Keep up with the group in front of you.
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