The Fairfax County Park Authority is preparing for another busy spring and summer camp registration season! To help camp families, the Park Authority is introducing some changes to support an efficient registration process for this year’s camps.
After receiving customer feedback during our 2024 camp registration period, we learned that the number of devices logging into the system can overwhelm our vendor’s online platform. We’ve worked with our vendor to correct the error that led to last year’s challenges. As an added measure to help moderate user volume on the registration system, registration for spring and summer camp will be split evenly within Fairfax County depending on the location camps take place:
- Green location camps — Register starting Tuesday, Feb. 4, 9 a.m. (add to calendar)
- Blue location camps — Register starting Thursday, Feb. 6, 9 a.m. (add to calendar)
The Park Authority has prepared several resources for helping parents prepare for the upcoming spring and summer camp registration, including:
- 2025 Camp Guide: Explore the complete listing of camp opportunities and other key details needed to register.
- Camp Search: Use this online system to search for camps and register when the time comes.
- FAQs: Browse these questions and answers about the registration split!
- Camp Planner Sheet: Write your top choices with their Catalog IDs and the registration date before registration opens to make the process quick and easy the morning of.
- Camp Website: Check our Camp Hub for all the latest information and the resources mentioned above.
- Color-Coded Camp Location Map: Use this to identify camp location and their Green or Blue Team designation.
- Camp Spreadsheet: Sort camps by student age, date, type of camp and location.
Please note that waitlists for all summer camps will open at 10 a.m. on Thursday, May 1.
Children enrolled in camp will have a summer they’ll never forget, making friends, building memories, and enjoying experiences that keep their minds and bodies active. FCPA brings the wonders of the camp experience not only to children but also to preschoolers, teens, adults and people of all ages with disabilities. There’s something for everyone with FCPA’s summer camps! So set your clocks, make those wish lists and get online to register in February!
Be sure to visit the Park Authority's Camp website for the most up-to-date camp information, and keep up with the camp conversation on social media using #FCPACampTuesdays.
If you have any questions, please contact FCPA Camps team at Media inquiries may be directed to the Public Information Office at