The Park Authority was created by action of the Board of Supervisors of Fairfax County, Virginia, at its meeting on December 6, 1950, by Resolution, in accordance with the provisions of the Park Authorities Act (Sec. 15.1-1228 to 15.1-1238.1, Ch. 27, Code of Virginia.) Later ordinances affecting the Authority have been adopted by the Board of Supervisors. The Memorandum of Understanding between the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and the Park Authority identifies the County policies the Park Authority must follow related to budget, finance, purchasing, and personnel. Additionally, the Park Authority follows the County’s Energy Management Policy.
This policy manual is intended for the use of the Park Authority Board. The purpose of this manual is to provide guidance in arriving at decisions in accordance with the mission, objectives and associated laws, but which allows discretion and latitude contingent on different circumstances, situation, or conditions. Indiscriminate exceptions to Park Authority policies are to be avoided.
The Park Authority Director interprets, implements and administers all policy decisions of the Park Authority Board. It is the role of Park Authority staff to develop appropriate procedures for implementing policy decision.
A five-year review and updates are necessary to ensure that the objectives and policies reflect changing county needs; therefore, objectives and policies may be revised, added, or deleted upon action of the Park Authority Board.
The Park Authority Board adopted By-Laws for the conduct of Authority business.