Supervisor John Foust appointed Tim Hackman as the Dranesville District Representative to the Fairfax County Park Authority. His initial appointment became effective June 21, 2016, and he was most recently reappointed in December 2024 to another four year term.
Hackman currently serves as the Vice Chairman of the Park Authority Board. He also serves as chair of the board’s Strategic Planning and Initiatives Committee and vice chair of the Budget Committee with Funding Policy and Bond and the Park Authority Board Awards Committee. In addition, Hackman also serves as liaison to the Tree Commission.
Hackman has been a Fairfax County resident since 1993, currently living in Great Falls. He is a retired IBM executive, having been with the company for 34 years in law and public affairs positions. He also served two terms as President of Friends of Riverbend Park (FORB), a non-profit citizens group dedicated to the responsible stewardship and preservation of Riverbend Park on the Potomac River.
He received the Volunteer Fairfax Community Champion Award for the Dranesville District in 2011. The Community Champion Award honors an individual for exceptional dedication to community service. He has also been a member of the Park Authority Bond Green Team and the Dranesville District Citizens Task Force on the County Budget.
Hackman holds a B.S. in electrical engineering from Bucknell University, and a J.D. from Yale Law School.
Hackman's term ends December 2024.