Park Authority

CONTACT INFORMATION: Open during regular business hours 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m., Monday - Friday
703-324-8700 TTY 711
12055 Government Center Pkwy.
Fairfax, Virginia 22035
Jai Cole
Executive Director

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Invasive Management Area Program

Take Back the Park! Join the Fight Against Invasive Species during National Invasive Species Awareness Week (NISAW) on February 24-28

Invasive species are taking over forests, meadows and waterways damaging ecosystems, harming wildlife and costing millions. The Fairfax County Park Authority’s Invasive Management Area program needs volunteers to help control the spread. Join a removal event, learn how to identify and prevent invasive species and take action in your own backyard. Volunteer today and help restore parkland.

Other Ways to Get Involved

  • Learn about invasive species and how they spread
  • Clean boots, boats and gear before exploring new areas
  • Plant only non-invasive species at home
  • Report invasive species sightings
  • Volunteer for removal events

invasive management area this not that

Help restore parkland

Invasive plants prevent us from enjoying our forests. They degrade our natural ecosystems. Ever get stopped in the woods by climbing vines or shrubs with thorns? They may have been invasive species. Some of them, like multiflora rose, can completely swarm over a section of woods and block out everything else.

However, invasives can be thwarted. The Fairfax County Park Authority has a volunteer program that battles invasive species, removing them and replacing them with native species.

Get involved in protecting your local parks. Volunteer for the Invasive Management Area program. Even a few hours on a single day will help.

Students and scouts, do you need to earn some community service hours? IMA is the program for you! Sign up using the IMA Workday Calendar below to get involved.


Invasive Management Area VolunteerThe IMA calendar is your opportunity to volunteer. Use it to find IMA dates convenient for you. Youth, adults, scouts and groups all help. If you do not see a date that works for you, please contact the IMA coordinator who will happily help place your group. 

To join a workday, click on the red IMA Workday Calendar.

IMA Workday Calendar

Questions about invasive plants? Email:

Questions about volunteering? Contact Anastasia Mejia at, or call 571-363-7356, or Gloria Medina at or call 703-324-6525


Taking Back the Forest

View this StoryMap created by two IMA Site Leaders using GIS (Geographic Information Systems) to learn more about how the IMA Program works.

How Do I Volunteer?

  • Registration for IMA workdays must be submitted by 3p.m. on the Friday prior to a weekend workday and by 12p.m. on the day prior to a weekday workday.
  • The minimum age to volunteer is 11, however there are occasional opportunities where younger children can participate. Please contact the IMA Coordinator for details.
  • Volunteers 15 and younger must be accompanied by an adult, unless approved by the IMA Volunteer Site Leader for the specific workday.
  • After you register you will receive an email confirmation from the IMA Volunteer Site Leader with more details about the site location and workday activities, if directions in first bullet above are followed correctly.
  • Students who need community service hours, please bring the form to be signed to your workday.
  • IMA hosts a special volunteer promotion called Take Back the Forest each spring.
  • Information: Call 571-363-7356

Wear sturdy shoes, gloves, long pants and long sleeves. Bring water. Tools are provided.
Enjoy the company of others who care about the environment while learning about your local forests.

Early Detection and Rapid Response

The Early Detection and Rapid Response program finds new populations of certain invasive species as they are starting to invade an area and then eradicates them before they cause serious harm in county parks.

How Do I Become a Tree Rescuer?

Tree Vine CutWe Need Your Help Saving Trees On Parkland

Tree Rescuers work independently to clip vines and give trees time.

IMA Testimonials

“For me, IMA is about people of all socio-demographic backgrounds who share a passion for volunteering to protect Fairfax County parks.”

“This program allows for tool, plants, seeds, and bags to be distributed to volunteers so they can do the hard work of removing invasive plants from our parks.”

“This program is an excellent way for volunteers to eradicate weeds such as English ivy, oriental bittersweet, garlic mustard, and Chinese wisteria from the county parks while providing participants with education about these species, benefits of natives, and how to improve water quality.”

“The support I received from the IMA program, including professional assistance, and tangible items like plastic bags, gloves and the use of tools, was amazing.”

Scout Projects at IMA Sites

Scout Name: Varshan Chenthil 

George Mason District, NCAC

Description: Varshan Chenthil led an Eagle Scout project focused on habitat restoration and the removal of invasive plants from parkland. The project was completed at the Cunningham Park IMA Site in Vienna, VA. Please contact the Park Authority before removing any plants. 

Invasive plants removed in the project include: Multiflora Rose (Rosa multiflora)

Multiflora Rose
Multiflora Rose
Multiflora Rose
Multiflora Rose
Photo credits: Gloria Medina

Thank you!

We thank our many partners for their continued support of IMA.

  • Fairfax County Park Authority Park Operations Division
  • Fairfax County Park Authority Archeology and Collections Branch
  • Fairfax County Park Foundation
  • Plant NoVA Natives
  • Fairfax Master Naturalists
  • Northern Virginia Soil and Water Conservation District
  • Earth Sangha
  • Fairfax ReLeaf
  • Fairfax County Department of Public Works and Environmental Services
  • Virginia Native Plant Society, Potowmack Chapter
  • Weed Warriors, The Nature Conservancy
  • United States Geological Survey
  • National Capital Region Partnership for Invasive Species Management
  • Virginia Department of Forestry
  • McLean Trees Foundation 
  • Transurban 495/95/395 Express Lanes 

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