The Ashgrove Trail Extension project is one of the approved projects originating from the Tysons Metrorail Station Access Management Study (TMSAMS). The goal of the TMSAMS projects is to create a more multi-modal transportation environment by building needed infrastructure to create better access to the Metrorail stations within Tysons.
As proposed, the Ashgrove Trail Extension will be located in the Tysons West area, and will connect cyclists and pedestrians from the Tysons Green community to Westwood Center Drive, and ultimately to the Spring Hill Metrorail Station in Tysons.
Read more about the Ashgrove Trail Extension Project
The Backlick Road Spot Improvement Project seeks to improve the congestion and safety at the intersection with Industrial Road by adding an exclusive northbound left turn lane. Plans also include the construction of approximately 1,250 feet of sidewalk on the east side of Backlick Road, extending to the north and south of Industrial Road, which will complete a missing link.
The proposed improvements will realign the Balls Hill Road and Old Dominion Drive intersection by removing the existing skewed intersection configuration and providing improved traffic signal operations. The project includes roadway reconstruction, drainage improvements, and the addition of bike and pedestrian facilities.
Learn more about the Balls Hill Road and Old Dominion Drive intersection Project
A variety of improvements are planned to enhance safety at the intersection of North Beauregard Street and North Chambliss Street in Alexandria, including removing turn lanes, median widening, and adding third lanes to both streets in the intersection.
Learn more about the Beauregard-Chambliss Intersection Project
With intersection, bicycle and pedestrian improvements planned for Braddock Road from I-495 to Guinea Road, FCDOT seeks to improve commuting conditions along the corridor. In partnership with VDOT, Braddock Road Multimodal Improvements has been reclassified from a study to a project in Summer 2020.
The Chain Bridge Road sidewalk project will provide approximately 3600 LF of 5 foot to 6 foot wide sidewalk along northbound Chain Bridge Road between Niblick Road and the north intersection with Horseshoe Drive. The project also includes a pedestrian signal, 6 curb ramps, and associated storm sewer improvements. Project is funded by County Commercial and Industrial Property Tax (C&I funds). Construction is anticipated in 2018.
The Chesterbrook Road Sidewalk Project will provide a new 5-foot sidewalk with curb and gutter along the south side of Chesterbrook Road between Chesterford Way and Maddux Lane. The project also includes storm sewer and water utility infrastructure improvements.
The Cinder Bed Road Bikeway project will provide a continuous shared use path between Newington Road and the Franconia/Springfield Metro Station.
Learn more about the Cinder Bed Road Bikeway Project
This project will construct a new 6-foot-wide sidewalk, ADA compliant curb ramps and a 6-foot-wide landscape panel along the south side of Columbia Pike from Backlick Road to Tom Davis Drive.
Learn more about the Columbia Pike Complete Streets Phase I Project
Repaving Projects and Improvements
- New crosswalks with pedestrian signals
- Upgrading existing crosswalks to include pedestrian signals
- Constructing new walkways and trails
- Upgrading existing walkways and constructing ADA accessible curb ramps
- Pedestrian refuge islands
- Decreasing turn radii
- Curb extensions and bulb-outs
- Bus stop improvements
- Yield to Pedestrian Signs
- Fairfax County Major Corridor Pedestrian Initiatives
View Pedestrian Projects by District
The Creek Crossing Sidewalk Improvements Project will replace existing substandard sidewalk and fill in missing segments of sidewalk along east side of Creek Crossing Road from Beulah Road to Old Courthouse Road.
Embark Richmond Highway is an initiative focused on creating a multimodal future for Richmond Highway Corridor where residents, workers, and visitors can walk, bike, or drive to the places they want to go. This effort responds to recommendations from the Route 1 Multimodal Alternatives Analysis, conducted by the Virginia Department of Rail and Public Transportation (DRPT) and intends to assess and refine the recommendations from the study by providing more detailed guidance in the Comprehensive Plan for the implementation of transit in the corridor.
The Dranesville District project will extend from Colonial Farm Road to just south of the Dolley Madison Boulevard intersection, and includes construction of approximately 330 feet of 5-foot sidewalk and 600 feet of 10-foot shared-use path.
Learn more about the Georgetown Pike at Dolley Madison Blvd. Path Project
FCDOT plans to install a high visibility crosswalk, pedestrian crossing warning signs, ADA curb ramps, Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs), pedestrian refuge island, stop bar, minor sidewalk extensions and minor drainage improvements east of the intersection of Georgetown Pike and Great Falls Shopping Center. This project is part of Fairfax County's $100 Million allocation for active transportation projects.
Learn more about the Georgetown Pike at Great Falls Library Pedestrian Improvements
In January of 2001, the Board of Supervisors entered into an agreement with the Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) to construct a pedestrian trail along the north side of Georgetown Pike from River Bend Road westward to Seneca Road, a distance of approximately 4.2 miles. Phase I, located in the Village Center and Phase II, between Utterback Store Road and Falls Chase Court, have been completed.
Phase III will complete a 250’ long section between Falls Chase Court and Falls Bridge Lane. Click on the image below to expand.
FCDOT solicited public comments at a community meeting held on March 22, 2017, regarding effects on historic resources. The Virginia Department of Historic Resources (VDHR) issued a determination of "no adverse effect" in June 2017. The project is moving forward with final design.
Herndon area station access projects improve pedestrian, vehicle, and bicycle connections to and from the new Silver Line Metro stations. The majority of projects in the Herndon area being constructed with Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) funding to improve Metro station access.
Learn more about the Herndon Area Metrorail Station Access Improvement Project
The proposed path will connect the future Innovation Station Metrorail Station kiss-and-ride on the north side of the Dulles Toll Road to Apgar Place and Farougi Court.
The Jefferson Manor community has worked cooperatively with the County over the past decades to develop and implement a master plan for improving the existing infrastructure in the Jefferson Manor neighborhood. A master plan was prepared in 1992, delineating phases for improvements. Several phases have been completed in past years, and there are other phases planned for the future, which are not yet funded.The current project, Jefferson Manor Phase IIIA, consists of infrastructure improvements along Albemarle Drive and a portion of Edgehill Drive in the Jefferson Manor neighborhood.
These Kirby Road Sidewalk projects include segments from Birch Road to Ivy Hill Drive and Ivy Hill Drive to Corliss Court, providing new 6-foot wide sidewalk, with curb and gutter, on the north side of Kirby Road.
Learn more about the Kirby Road Sidewalk projects (Birch Road to Corliss Court) projects
These projects, which are comprised of segments from Chesterbrook Elementary School to Halsey Road (ST-000036-010) and Halsey Road to Franklin Avenue (ST-00036-011), will construct approximately 1,800 linear feet of 5’ to 6’ wide sidewalk with curb and gutter along the south side of Kirby Road. Construction of the proposed pedestrian facility will require right of way acquisition, utility relocations and tree removal.
Learn more about the Kirby Road Sidewalk Project (Chesterbrook Elementary to Halsey Road) project
This Kirby Road Sidewalk project will construct approximately 1,300 linear feet of 5' - 6' wide sidewalk with curb and gutter along the south (east) side of Kirby Road between Chesterbrook Road and Mori Street. A pedestrian crossing and median refuge is proposed at Mori Street to connect the new sidewalk to the existing shared use trail on the west side of Kirby Road.
Learn more about the Kirby Road Sidewalk (Chesterbrook Road to Mori Street) project
With planned traffic signals and walkways, the Lincoln Street Project seeks to provide another alternative between Old Meadow Road and I-66 and the McLean area, improving access to Westgate Elementary School and other destinations in the Magarity Road/Pimmit Hills area.
The goal of the project is to improve pedestrian safety in Annandale by providing an ADA compliant pedestrian walkway adjacent to the westbound lanes of Little River Turnpike, between High Place and Pinecrest Parkway. The project also features a proposed HAWK pedestrian crossing signal at the intersection of Little River Turnpike and Conwell Drive to improve safety for the high number of pedestrians who cross the road at this location.
This project proposes to fill in one of the pedestrian gaps along the Little River Turnpike corridor, providing 1,550 linear feet of nine foot wide curb abutted sidewalk between Hillbrook Drive and Little River Run Drive on the eastbound side of the road. The project features new pedestrian signalization (a Walk/Don't Walk sign at Little River Turnpike and Hillbrook Drive), bus stop loading pads, curbs and ramps, gutters, retaining walls and drainage improvements.
The proposed sidewalk will provide pedestrian and bicycle connectivity along Magarity Road in Falls Church from the Pimmit Hills community to Westgate Elementary School.
The Mason Neck Shared Use Path will consist of a 10' path adjacent to Gunston Road (northbound) from Julia Taft Way to the entrance of Pohick Bay Golf Course (5,500 ft. total). The pedestrian and bicycle improvements include marked crosswalks, detectable warning surfaces, retaining wall and stormwater management facilities.
The proposed improvements will realign Old Courthouse Road and raise the roadway to help improve safety and minimize roadway flooding. The project includes roadway reconstruction, new pedestrian/bicycle connection and replacing the substandard culvert with a new structure. The total project length is approximately 1000 feet along Old Courthouse Road and 150 feet along Besley Road.
The Prosperity Avenue Road Diet project will repurpose two of the four lanes on Prosperity Avenue between Hillside Road and Gallows Road with protected bike lanes. The project helps increase multimodal connectivity to the Dunn Loring Metrorail Station.
Reston area station access projects improve pedestrian, vehicle, and bicycle connections to and from the new Silver Line Metro stations. The majority of projects in the Reston area are area being constructed with Fairfax County Department of Transportation (FCDOT) funding to improve Metro station access.
FCDOT plans to add 38 new parking spaces at the Rolling Road VRE Station on Burke Road. The project also features sidewalk, gutter and stormwater improvements along with a new retaining wall.
The Virginia Department of Transportation (VDOT) is considering improvements to Route 7 from Reston Avenue to Jarrett Valley Drive to enhance safety and upgrade the roadway drainage system as well as improve the existing highway.
To address congestion between I-66 and the Prince William County line, the Fairfax County Department of Transportation is proposing widening Route 28 for a 2.3 mile stretch between the bridge over Bull Run and the Route 29 interchange.
The proposed bike/pedestrian improvements along Arlington Blvd. (Route 50) will enhance pedestrian and bicycle access, mobility and safety from Blake Lane to Prosperity Avenue. A total of seven projects are included in this initiative, providing approximately 2,300 feet of 10 foot wide asphalt shared use path, 1,000 feet of 5 foot concrete sidewalk, two pedestrian bridge stream crossings, ADA curb ramps and bus pads.
Learn more about the Route 50 Bike and Pedestrian Improvements Project
The Shirley Gate Road Extension project will provide a two-lane road that connects the Shirley Gate Road/Braddock Road intersection with the Fairfax County Parkway, giving drivers an alternative access to I-66 East.
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation also is working to improve pedestrian access around the Silver Line Metro stations by implementing the results of several studies.
- Wiehle Avenue at W&OD Trail Pedestrian Improvement Project
- Reston Metrorail Access Group (RMAG): Includes pedestrian improvements around the Wiehle Avenue and Reston Parkway Metrorail stations
- Tysons Metrorail Station Access Management Study (TMSAMS): Includes pedestrian improvements around the four Silver Line Metro stations in Tysons
- Herndon Area Metrorail Station Access Improvement Project (HMSAMS)
- Dulles Corridor Bicycle and Pedestrian Improvements (DCBPA): Includes additional pedestrian improvements in areas along the Dulles Road corridor
The new pedestrian facility will include the following:
- A 2,200 ft. concrete sidewalk along the Eastside of Sleepy Hollow Road between Eppard Street and Aspen Lane.
- A 1,700 ft. concrete sidewalk along the Westside of Sleepy Hollow Road between Marlo Drive and Eppard Street.
- A 500 ft. concrete sidewalk along the Eastside of Sleepy Hollow Road, north of Valley Brook Drive.
- Several pedestrian crossing points of Sleepy Hollow Road will also be upgraded by the project including at Bay Tree Lane, Dearborn Drive, Kennedy Lane, Kerns Road, Eppard Street, Aspen Lane, and Castle Place.
- Other infrastructure improvements related to the project include curb & gutter, curb ramps, driveway entrances, retaining walls, drainage improvements, roadway and signing modifications.
The Soapstone Connector Project aims to provide a direct connection between Sunset Hills Road and Sunrise Valley Drive crossing over the Dulles Toll Road (Route 267), as recommended by the Reston Metrorail Access Group (RMAG).The project is also included in the Reston Comprehensive Plan Amendment, which was approved by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in February 2014. The proposed Soapstone Connector alignment is a combination of two previously evaluated alternatives and was chosen due to its advantages over the numerous alternatives studied.
The South Van Dorn Street Pedestrian and Bicycle Access Project includes improvements along the east side of South Van Dorn Street, from south of Oakwood Road to the existing pedestrian structure under the Capital Beltway (I-95/495).
The Springfield Multi-Use Parking Garage is a six-level structure that will hold approximately 1,000 parking spaces, and will enhance commuters' transportation options with the installation of:
- a bus transit center and seven bus bays
- commuter (slug) spaces
- a short-term parking area for pick up and drop off
- a pedestrian bridge over Old Keene Mill Road, connecting the garage to Springfield Plaza
- bicycle storage
- community areas for gatherings and events on the ground level and roof top
Tysons area station access projects improve pedestrian, vehicle, and bicycle connections to and from the new Silver Line, Phase 1 Metro stations constructed as part of the Silver Line project. The list of projects is, in part, the result of recommendations in the Tysons Metrorail Station Access Management Study.
Learn more about the Tysons Metrorail Station Access Management Study
A new pedestrian bridge is being planned to improve vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian access near the Wiehle-Reston East Metro Station as noted in Reston Metrorail Access Group’s (RMAG) plan.The bridge will be located on the W&OD Trail and extend over Wiehle Avenue replacing the existing at-grade crossing. The new bridge will accommodate both the gravel path and asphalt W&OD Trail at this location. Minor roadway, sidewalk and median modifications will be made to Wiehle Avenue at this location to accommodate the bridge. Several utility relocations will be required for the project site along with the installation of drainage and stormwater management features.
Learn more about the Wiehle Avenue at the W&OD Trail Pedestrian Improvement Project