The Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance Exception Review Committee (ERC) is a public hearing body appointed by the Board of Supervisors to review applications to conduct land disturbing activities within the Resource Protection Areas (RPA). The committee is comprised of an appointee from each of the nine magisterial districts and two at-large members. The main function of the committee is to consider exception requests submitted under Article 6 of the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance.
Generally, any land disturbing activity within the RPA affecting over 2,500 square feet requires an exception. Such disturbances which are part of a rezoning application are reviewed by the Board of Supervisors in the rezoning process. The definition of land disturbance is very broad, including construction of single family homes, septic tanks and drain fields. There are certain waivers applicable to lots or parcels recorded prior to Oct. 1, 1989, or areas subsequently designated as RPA by the Board of Supervisors. However, these waivers require a demonstration that encroachments into the RPA buffers are minimized, and still require an exception be granted by the appropriate body. Certain minor additions to structures built before July 1, 1993, or in an RPA created by the Board subsequent to that date, may receive administrative waivers.
For more information, including staff reports and recommendations, the Committee's findings of fact and law, and the final resolution regarding an application, please contact the clerk to the Exception Review Committee at 703-324-1720, TTY 711.
Also see the public calendar for meeting dates and times.